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澳洲移民局宣布从2016年7月1日起,所有的澳洲留学签证申请必须通过澳大利亚内政事务部(Department of HomeAffairs)的ImmiAccount在网上递交,即目前澳洲留学签证办理都是通过线上。








Dear _,

In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technologyto the Financial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance thebenefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers manyfields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which themathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the FinancialEngineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the capital assetpricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and “Binomial”model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects.

I am glad to choose mathematics and applied mathematics. Three years’ studyhad deepened my understanding of them, especially of mathematical modeling. (Itstill occurs to me when I went to attend the class of _ department given byProfessor Jiang qiyuan in Tsinghua University for the first time. “1 kilogram offlour added with 1 kilogram of stuffing can make 100 dumplings, but what if thestuffing is more than 1 kilogram?” He used a very simple, vivid and interestingexample which aroused my interest and led me into the mathematical modelingworld.

The first time I kissed the mathematical modeling was in the summervacation of 2005, when I got a good opportunity to attend the mathematicalmodeling training organized by our school. Seasoned mathematics teachers told mewhat on earth the mathematical modeling is through some existing examples, inwhich the one about SARS impressed me most. In 2003, SARS broke out and shroudedrapidly to the whole world, which imperiled our economic development andpeople’s living. Therefore, study on its spreading regularity and building themathematical modeling for predicting and controlling its extension had becomethe “Archimedes Heels” for all mathematicians… So, the Logistic regression hasbeen carved in my memory. Two weeks’ training has presented me with a kind ofpassion and calm thinking much more than just those classical mathematicalmodels. As the patron saint of our human-beings, the existence of Mathematicsand mathematical modeling are maintaining our subsistence and development. Then,when SARS ran riot, when we are suffering from the pain of AIDS, what can I doas a mathematics and mathematical modeling lover who loves life so much?

Pocketed with this passion and thinking, I tasted to use mathematicalmodeling into practice and solve the practical problems by attending theNational College Mathematical Modeling Contest with the other two schoolmates onbehalf of our college. It required us to evaluate the water quality ofChangjiang River according to the data, through which we had to analyze thewater pollution in every region and predict the trend of it in the future.Finally we had to bring out the plan against it. It was really a challenge forus towards flood of data and estimations as long as 17 pages. We tried almost awhole day only to filter those data and take the evaluations into comprehensiveaccount. Pulling down various models we had built before, we were so defeatedthat we wanted to give up many times. However, we finally found the satisfactorymodel thanks to our encouragement to each other which armed us with fullstrength to go further.We managed to evaluate the water quality by Compositeindex model, which could not only represent the evaluation factors, but alsoreflect the main impacts of the contaminations to the water pollution. Wepredicted the future water pollution through multiple linear regressions fittingand brought out the plan against it by building linear optimization model.Finally, we got the second prize in Beijing for our thesis. Three days’ andnights’ modeling experience had cooled our passion and gave us even more calmthinking instead. The creation of the mathematical modeling, along with thesuccessful solution to the problems through it lied on the solid mathematicsfoundation, strong modeling ability, accumulation of the knowledge on differentfields, unique creative ideas and creativity.

The experience from this contest further aroused my interest inmathematics. I began to pay more attention to its application as well aslearning the theories. In addition, I tried to catch every opportunity to takepart in the practical mathematical modeling. My efforts finally rewarded when Iwas in the first term as a junior. I had a chance to participate in the 3-dayelectrician mathematical modeling practice-----classifying the sports programsfor a big sports meeting. Being familiar with the Graph Theory, I immediatelyfound the way to solve the problems by seeking the best Hamilton circuit line.Facing the nearly 8.7 billion data files with different orders much more thanthat on the National Mathematical Modeling Contest, I spent a long time onAlgorithm without any perfect result. I wasn’t defeated towards this case, butso excited instead that I could have such a chance to challenge and improvemyself. Looking up dozens of files, I finally made a perfect end of the practiceby using the Genetic Algorithm into full account. It needs both a successfulmodel and an effective arithmetic to solve these problems. , which largelyshortened the operation time and improved the operation result. I learnt a lotfrom this practice. I came to know that to build successful mathematics modelingthat can effectively solve the practical problems, we must take the operationcost

Summarizing my failures in the mathematical modeling electrician practiceand proceeding from my interest in this field, I began to think of collaboratingon the “Mathematical Modeling Saloon” with several students from mathematics andcomputer departments, taking the Computer Algorithms and mathematical modelingas the two themes of the book. Every Tuesday afternoon, we would organized thosestudents interested in this field to study and exchange the ideas and arithmeticby imparting experience, sharing what we learnt, pondering together anddiscussing with each other. Both the traditional transportation & storageproblems and the modern Stimulated Annealing Arithmetic (SAA), Ant Algorithmhave ever been the topic of our discussion, from which I have learnt manythinking styles and methods to the problems from the students both inmathematics and computer department. So far, I am excited to see that thisactivity is still in the wind with more and more participants and it aroused alearning upsurge in our college.

Recommended by my teacher, I have participated in the Teaching ReformProgram of Mrs. Xing yongli----the results analysis of “Improving themathematics teaching quality on class”. Mrs. Xing, along with some othermathematics teachers experienced the class mutual activities in 2004 to 2005with the character data files in form of paper investigations. For this style ofdata files, I finally used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a creativechallenge instead of the fuzzy mathematical quantitative analysis models, whichfirstly knocked my mind. By quantitating data and using the AHP, I succeeded inanalyzing how the overall quality of the teachers and their teaching skills workin improving the mathematics teaching quality on class, from which we got theconclusion that the teaching skills and the way to put forward questions onclass play the most important role in the class mutual activities. Besides, Mrs.Xing collaborated with me on the thesis named “The Application of AnalyticHierarchy Processinto the Evaluation of Class Mutual Activities”. Both of uswere satisfied with this thesis and contributed it to many presses to bepublished.

Similar with the mathematical modeling, the soul of the FinancialEngineering is also the creativity. Therefore, the perfect application of themathematics and mathematical modeling into the Financial Engineering once moresurged my enthusiasm in this field. Furthermore, the Financial Engineering playsthe important part in people’s living, social stability and the nationaldevelopment, which is my original intention to choose this field I think.

Yours sincerely,




