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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Changde. I'm your guide.

Changde, formerly known as "Wuling" and also known as "Liucheng", is a cityunder the jurisdiction of Hunan Province, a vice central city of Hunan Province,one of the core cities of the ecological economic circle around Dongting Lake,and one of the 3 + 5 urban agglomerations of Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan. Locatedin the north of Hunan, the west of Dongting Lake in the south of the YangtzeRiver, and at the foot of Wuling Mountain, it is historically known as "thethroat of Sichuan and Guizhou, the gateway of Yunnan and Guizhou". It is afamous cultural city with a history of 2000 years, a national highwaytransportation hub city and a railway hub city in Northwest Hunan.

In recent years, the municipal Party committee and the municipal governmentadhere to the scientific concept of development and the people-orientedstrategy, and attach importance to the construction and development of urbaninfrastructure in order to enhance the city's service function, enhance thecity's quality, create the best living environment and build a harmonioussociety. Today we mainly visit the urban construction projects that have beencompleted and planned in recent years. I hope that through this visit, you canwitness the rapid development of Changde and look forward to the brilliantfuture of Changde. The theme of this fair is "the beauty of new Changde -Paradise · livable Changde". In line with the purpose of serving urbandevelopment, society, industry and consumers, the fair closely follows themainstream direction of urban development and real estate market, with the themeof "studying livable city strategy, spreading urban development vision,promoting healthy industrial development and building industrial developmentconfidence" The purpose of the conference is to hold the following major themeactivities: opening and closing ceremonies, literature and art performances andboutique real estate exhibition; 2009 Changde Livable City Development Forum;livable Changde, discovering the beauty of Changde -- Tour Exhibition of Changdelivable city construction; one-day tour of major urban construction projects inChangde; world Taoyuan, online game Changde, online real estate fair; LivableChangde · beautiful home: Exhibition of brand home decoration, home furnishingsand building materials; real estate selection, house viewing courtesy, housepurchase Award activities, etc.

Now our cars are driving on Wuling Avenue, which is an old street inChangde. It was built in 1986 and completed in 1996. In 1998, it was named"model street in Hunan Province" by the government. The tall building in frontis Changde International Hotel, which is also one of the famous high star hotelsin Changde. In recent years, the hotel industry in Changde has developedrapidly. The construction of international, Gonghe, Jinyue, Dingguan Tianyi andother four-star and five-star hotels in Chengdu is improving the taste ofChangde City. On both sides is the furniture city, and in front is the railwaystation square. Now let's go to Meiju building materials square, the venue ofthe fair.

Changde Meiju Building Materials Plaza was established in November 2008,located in the west of the railway station plaza. It is the first indoorbuilding materials store in Northwest Hunan with an operating area of more than20000 square meters. The store is divided into four floors, operating more than10000 kinds of goods, covering ceramics, handicrafts, sanitary ware, cabinets,kitchen and bathroom appliances, floors, stairs, wallpaper, doors and windows,hardware ceiling, wardrobe, curtain fabric and other categories, truly meetingthe "one-stop shopping" needs of consumers. The environment of the store iscomfortable,SPAcious and bright, and equipped with escalators, freightelevators, central broadcasting system, electronic screen shopping guide systemand 24-hour security patrol. At present, more than 100 brands of the plaza havebeen strictly audited by the market to ensure that they provide comprehensiveprotection to consumers in terms of price, quality, after-sales andenvironmental protection. As the first five-star building materials indoor storein Northwest Hunan, Meiju has always regarded the protection of consumers'rights and interests as the foundation of the sustained and healthy developmentof the market, and has made clear the four comprehensive guarantee servicepolicies of "price, quality, after-sales and environmental protection" since itsopening. In terms of price, Meiju took the lead in issuing the city's lowestprice convention, in which all brands solemnly promise to implement the lowestprice sales policy and refuse price fraud; In terms of quality, Mercure took thelead in implementing the advance compensation system. For quality complaintsraised by consumers, Mercure instructed the brand manufacturers to solve them atthe first time. If the brand manufacturers shirked responsibility for solving orfailed to solve the problems, Mercure will be responsible for the advancecompensation to consumers; In terms of after-sales and environmental protection,Meiju, as the complaint station authorized by Changde Consumer Council on March15, has carried out telephone after-sales service and on-site follow-upinvestigation for all consumers, and actively coordinated with manufacturers tosolve various after-sales installation problems raised by consumers. (stop for15 minutes)

Our car now turns into zaoguo Road, which connects Renmin Road and ChangdeAvenue. On this road, we will visit the three halls and three centers of BaimaLake to be built. Now let's get off (stop for 10 minutes).

The "three halls" and "three centers" are located in the area surrounded byLiuYe Avenue, Binhu Road, zaoguo road and Longgang Road, adjacent to the northof Baima Lake. "Three museums" refer to Changde planning exhibition museum, artmuseum and urban construction archives. It is an important part of theconstruction of a famous cultural city in our city. From the end of 2008, itstarted bidding and evaluation. The total planned investment is 57 million yuan,covering an area of 10000 square meters. Its main functions include: UrbanFootprint display, planning and research, art training, performance rehearsal,archives preservation, academic exchange, etc. The total construction area ofthe "three museums" is 24887 square meters, including 7672 square meters ofplanning exhibition hall, 6617 square meters of Art Museum, 5215 square metersof urban construction archives, and 5383 square meters of underground garage,equipment room and other public parts.

According to their respective functional requirements, the design of the"three halls" is not only interrelated but also relatively independent, withmodern style and obvious public characteristics. As a kind of public buildingwith cultural connotation, the architectural shape emphasizes the volume andsculpture sense, giving people a strong visual impact. As a new landmarkbuilding in Changde City, the "three halls" construction project will ensurehigh level and quality, and strive for the "Luban Award" as the goal. "Threecenters" refer to youth activity center, women and children activity center andscience and technology center. The "three centers" design is required to becompleted before the end of the year.

Kangqiao · LANWAN is the fifth real estate developed by China real estategroup in Changde after Kangqiao Shangdu project by China real estate groupChangde branch, and another commercial and residential complex started in June2007. The project covers a total area of more than 56000 square meters, with afloor area of 100000 square meters, a basement of 23000 square meters, a plotratio of 1.81, and a greening rate of more than 40%. The project is divided intotwo parts: residential and commercial; residential development is divided intothe first phase of courtyard house, the second phase of air yard, Kangqiaoneighborhood is a commercial block. With the theme of "Chinese products, Changdeflavor", Kangqiao · LANWAN strives to combine the three factors of modernity,tradition and region. It also strives to embody the needs of modern life,traditional emotions and regional elements with modern technology, materials andaesthetics, so as to create the most suitable living environment for modernChangde people.

Now our car turns into the broad and beautiful LiuYe Avenue, which is namedbecause it connects LiuYe lake, a provincial tourist resort. Now let's ask ourdriver to pull over the car. We arrived today to visit another urbanconstruction project, Chaoyang Middle Road (Ziling road to Dongting Avenue). Theroad is 2195 meters long and 30 meters wide, with a total investment of 130million yuan. The owner of the construction is the Municipal ConstructionBureau, which is financed by the municipal Sanming company and constructed in BTmode. The construction has been carried out in May this year by means ofsegmented demolition and segmented construction. The resettlement compensation,pole line transfer, subgrade replacement and other works from Ziling road toLiuYe Avenue (about 800 meters) have been completed, with an investment of 5million yuan. It is expected to be completed and put into operation in April2010; The resettlement work from LiuYe avenue to Dongting Avenue has beencompleted, the land acquisition and demolition budget has been completed, andthe demolition publicity work is being done. The demolition will be started atthe end of October and completed by the end of 2010.

Now we enter Wuling Avenue, next to us is the international trade building.Next to it is another urban construction project, Ziling Middle Road. ZilingMiddle Road (Wuling avenue to zaoguo Road): the road is 1130 meters long and 40meters wide, with a total investment of 61 million yuan. The owner of theconstruction is the Municipal Construction Bureau, which is financed by themunicipal Zhongkai company and constructed by BT. It has entered theconstruction site in May this year, and the subgrade replacement and box culvertconstruction from Wuling avenue to Chaoyang Road have been completed, with aninvestment of about 11.6 million yuan. The subgrade replacement from ChaoyangRoad to zaoguo road is in progress, and it is expected to be completed andopened to traffic in July 2010. The new road turned in is Ziling road. In frontof Liuyehu bus station, Danyang Road station has been moved here. To Anxiang,Yueyang direction of the bus to take here. There are 46, 51, 13 and 16 buses toget here. Now we turn into Ziyuan road. There are five branches ahead. We aregoing to LiuYe lake now.

Now let's introduce LiuYe lake. In June 1994, it was approved as aprovincial tourist resort by the government, and in April 2001, it was approvedas one of the first national AAA tourist attractions. Tianzao's ecologicalbonsai resort integrates City, lake, mountain and island, which is a naturalcombination of bonsai. LiuYe lake is 2.5 kilometers away from the urban area. Inancient times, there were dykes, willow fishing songs, pine and geomantic omenbelts, all of which were extremely successful. Today, it is praised as atreasure in Hunan and a unique one in Changde. The total planning area is 44.96square kilometers, of which the water area is 21.8 square kilometers, aboutthree times that of Hangzhou West Lake. The scale is unique in China. In thenorthwest of LiuYe lake, Taiyangshan and yueliangshan are towering and thick,with green pines and bamboos, winding streams and murmuring springs. Themountain is full of subtropical evergreen trees, pines, willows, camphors, redthorn trees and so on. There are more than 1300 kinds of shrub species,including 33 kinds of rare plants protected by the state. The Rhododendron intea mountain is red and colorful, which is especially wonderful. Water is thelife of LiuYe lake. The biggest advantage of LiuYe lake is its clear water. Thewater here is clear and clean, and the cleanliness is the highest of all urbanlakes in China. The water of LiuYe lake is moving water. It connects withYuanjiang River, the mother river of Changde City. When the rainy season comesevery year, the area of accumulated rain increases, the water level increases,and the lake water discharges to Yuanjiang River. In a year, the water in LiuYelake should be changed at least three times to ensure the cleanliness of waterquality. In terms of water quality, according to the evaluation of theenvironmental protection department according to the "water quality standard forlandscape entertainment" of the people's Republic of China, the pollutionexceeding standard rate of LiuYe lake is zero, which fully conforms to the waterquality standard for landscape entertainment, and is very suitable for tourismand water competitions. In terms of water area and water transparency, LiuYelake has a vast water area with a flat bottom. The average water depth isbasically 4-6 meters, and the transparency can generally reach 200 cm, whichfully meets the requirements of water sports. After many investigations andtests, the State General Administration of sports and the Asian Union forplanning and planning all agree that LiuYe lake is an ideal natural water sportsground. Therefore, the "people's Republic of China Rowing and canoeingFederation" of the State General Administration of sports

LiuYe lake has three brands, i.e. Technical Committee, LiuYe Lake Office ofrowing and canoeing Federation of the people's Republic of China and LiuYe LakeOffice of water sports management center of General Administration of sports ofthe people's Republic of China. Hunan water sports school also moved fromYueyang to LiuYe lake. In 2001, LiuYe lake was rated as one of the firstnational AAA scenic spots. Relying on the natural resources of LiuYe lake, thewhole scenic spot has built a large number of basic landscapes, such as theworld-class water sports arena, 2500 meters international standard water sportsarena, 3300 meters high-grade water path and 3.3 kilometers lake scenery belt.In recent years, many events have been held in LiuYe lake, such as the 8th Asiancanoeing championship, China US water skiing star competition, national shorttrack Rally Championship, Hunan Pan Dongting dragon boat race, etc.

It is here that the story of Liu Hai chopping wood and fox fairy, which hasbeen recited by the world, takes place. Speaking of Liu Hai's romantic lovestory, I don't think you are unfamiliar with it. I'd like to briefly introduceit: it's said that a long time ago, there lived a family named Liu on the Bankof LiuYe lake. Mother and son depended on each other. Their son's name was LiuHai. He lived by fishing and chopping firewood. He moved a fox fairy with hisdiligence and filial piety. One day, Liu Hai went to Huashan to cut firewood. Hemet a beautiful young girl who secretly helped Liu Hai to gather firewood andwanted to marry him. Liu Hai felt that he was poor and didn't agree withanything. However, the beautiful girl named Hu Xiuying fell in love with LiuHai. After some lingering, Liu Hai moved her heart and led her home to meet hermother, who was blind that night As a husband and wife, Hu Xiuying also helpedher mother-in-law cure her eye disease and made her see the light again. Hermother-in-law was very happy.

After the marriage of Liu Hai and Hu Xiuying, they were very happy. Timeflies, and a hundred days is approaching. As soon as she changes her old smile,she is worried and depressed all day. Liu Hai asks her again and again. She istrue. It turns out that she has been cultivated as a white fox for 800 years andhas become a man and wife with Liu Hai. Now the hundred days are coming to anend. It seems that her fate is about to be separated. How can we not bereluctant to part. One hundred days later, there was a strong wind, thunder andlightning, and the earth was shaking. It turned out that the queen mother sentthe heavenly soldiers to escort the escaped white fox back to heaven, and aloving couple was separated alive. After Xiuying was taken back to heaven by thequeen mother, the eight sisters of sister Hu and shenyinxing pleaded in front ofthe Jade Emperor and the queen mother, imploring them not to break up the goodmarriage in the world. Moved by the sincere love between Liu Hai and Hu Xiuying,the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother put Hu Xiuying back into the world,completing the beautiful marriage between Liu Hai and Hu Xiuying. It is saidthat Hu Xiuying, the fox fairy, was released from heaven by the queen mother andreunited with Liu Hai. They chose to build their home at the foot of HuashanMountain.


Peach Blossom Land, from the great poet Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Land.I really yearn there, yearn for such a paradise, I have been looking for

That day, when my companion and I were searching in the vast sea, wesuddenly saw an island full of peach blossoms. The pink petals decorated thetrees like little girls. We were very excited. So we rowed along the directionof the island

We walked around the island for almost a circle. Finally, I found a placethat seemed to be an entrance and exit. There was a door here, which was made ofwood. The words on it were so complicated that we couldn't understand it at all.Further on, we saw a row of long avenue, and then we heard the sound of water,What a clear voice! Then, we followed the sound of the water and saw a streamflowing quietly. In the clear water, there were still small fish. It can be seenthat this disease is not an uninhabited "uninhabited island". It should be apeaceful place. People are living a fairy like life, There may be many oldpeople who live a long life here!

Walking down the stream, we saw a beautiful terrace. We only saw it inpictures and on TV before. I didn't expect that I could see this beautiful andpeaceful scene here. At the beginning, the big trees that I saw from the outsidesurrounded it like a wall, and it became a place isolated from the world, In thelower reaches of the stream, there are beautiful girls washing clothes here.They are beating clothes with washing sticks and splashing each other likechildren. How happy. How happy!

People here dress very simply, without the gorgeous and prosperous feelingin metropolis, which makes people feel very comfortable. Especially when theyare far away from the noisy city, they make people look more simple and kind. Onthe grassland not far away, there are sheep grazing peacefully, shepherd boysplaying with sheep dogs, and the sound of laughter and bleating of lambs combineto form a symphony of nature, Beautiful and beautiful

Echoes in the clear blue sky

As we walked, we came to a wooden house,

There is no door. A kind-hearted uncle with a smile on his face saw us. Hecame slowly to us and asked about our origin. Then he warmly welcomed us. Whenhe entered the room, the table, chair and even the bed were all made of wood andcarved with exquisite carvings. Uncle made us a delicious meal, Let us forgetthe tiredness of the journey in a moment. After we had a rest, we asked my uncleto show us around here. My uncle happily agreed. We sat in the carriage whichonly can be seen on TV, enjoying the "hospitality" of nature. There were manycolorful flowers on the roadside, From time to time, there are colorfulbutterflies stopping on it. Uncle took us to a pool of spring water, where thewater is surging up actively. Uncle told us that this is the water resourcesthey rely on for their survival, and every day people come here to pick up waterwith bobbins. I can't help but get together and take a taste of it, which makesme feel sweet

I took out a few bottles from my backpack and wanted to take them home tomy family and friends. They can't drink them in high-tech cities. Then there areterraces here, because it's on an island. It's not easy to have such neat andbeautiful terraces. Standing on the terraces, the wind blows by, I'm afraid Iwon't be able to sail back today. My uncle seems to see our worries and warmlyinvites us to stay in his house. I suddenly find that the night scene here isalso very beautiful. I think of the flashing neon lights in the city and thenoise of the roadside night stalls. It's really different from here. There areonly some scattered lights in the distance, The next day, I found that we lazypeople, who usually like to sleep in, actually got up very early. After sayinggoodbye to my uncle, I went home with this secret of paradise which only a fewof us know

I wanted to go back and tell others about the beautiful scenery here. Butif the world knew about it, maybe it would not be as natural, primitive andsimple as it is now. It would be better to keep it unknown and full ofmystery!


Dear passengers, Hello!

Taohuayuan, also known as Taoyuan mountain, is also known as "paradise".During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the areafirst belonged to the state of Chu and then to the state of Qin. According tothe book of the later Han Dynasty, Qianzhong county was renamed Wuling County inthe fifth year of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty (202 BC), "two thousand andone hundred Li south of Luoyang". Tao Yuanming's "Tukou" poem said: "far away toNanjing", that is. According to Du Guangting's Dongtianfudi Ji of Tang Dynasty,Taoyuan mountain is located in Wuling County, Langzhou. Song Dynasty's Yu DiGuang Ji says: "in the first year of Qiande (963), Wuling county was establishedas Taoyuan County. There is Taoyuan mountain. According to Yi Tong Zhi of theMing Dynasty, Taoyuan mountain is 30 Li southwest of Taoyuan County in ChangdePrefecture, where there is Taoyuan cave. It is also called Qinren cave. NearShuixi, Changde City, Hunan Province, facing Yuanshui River and leaning againstmountains, the scenery is beautiful. Taohuayuan is a part of Hunan Jiangxi hillyregion, located in the northeast of Xuefeng mountain and Wuling mountain upliftbelt, and the southwest corner of the Mesozoic West Dongting lake depression.According to the report on the investigation and evaluation of Taohuayuan scenicresources in Hunan Province, the geographical location of the main scenic spotsin Taohuayuan is 110 ° 25 '- 27'e and 28 ° 47' - 49'n.

Taoyuan County is the natural medium area of Taohuayuan. It bordersYuanling County of Huaihua City, Cili County and Yongding District ofZhangjiajie City in the west, linli County and Dingcheng District of ChangdeCity in the East, Shimen County of Changde City in the north and Anhua County ofYiyang City in the south. Taohuayuan landscape is hammer shaped, inclined to thesouthwest of Taoyuan County. The scenic area is 157.55 square kilometers. Amongthem, Taohuayuan main scenic area is 15.8 square kilometers, Taohuayuan Yuanshuiscenic area is 44.85 square kilometers, and the peripheral protection area is96.9 square kilometers. The landscape boundary generally exceeds the districtboundary. The main scenic spot of Taohuayuan is located in the east of Chongqiuand yaotianping township of Dingcheng District, the west of Yuanshui and Jianshitown of Taoyuan County, Zhangjiang Town of Taoyuan County in the north andTaohuayuan town of Taoyuan County in the south. It includes state-owned HunanTaoyuan Taohuayuan Linyang, Taohuayuan town Taohuayuan village, Sanhe Village,Chazhuang village, Shuangfeng Village, Qingshan village and Taohuayuan residentscommittee. Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic area, along the way, you can see theindependent scenic spots of Taoyuan County, such as Zou city, mutangyuan, maple,chehuyuan, Qinglin, Zhangjiang River, Taohuayuan, zhengjiayi, Siping, Jianshi,Lingjintan, Xinglong Street, yanjiaping, etc.

According to the landscape trend and geomorphic characteristics, the mainscenic area of Taohuayuan is divided into five natural areas: the place ofavoiding Qin (Qinren Village), Lingjing lake, Taohua mountain, Taoyuan mountainand Taoxian mountain; the water area of Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic belt isroughly divided into four natural sections: the first line of sky scenicsection, yiwangxi scenic section, Lingjintan scenic section and wulingchuanscenic section. It is located in the southwest of Zhangshan mountain, includingshijiachong natural village. Lingjing Lake scenic area is located in thesoutheast of Zhangshan mountain, including jiangjiachong and aijiachong naturalvillages.

Taohua mountain scenic area is located in the west of Guihe peak inZhangshan mountain, including tianzunya and yejiawan natural villages. Taoyuanmountain scenic area is located in Huangwen mountain, including the main body ofthe mountain and the remaining parts of badaipo, Baimadu mountain, qinglongzui,baihuzui, etc. Taoxianling scenic area, including Hongyan mountain valley in theupper part of wangjiachong natural village. Yixiantian scenery section islocated in Gaodu post of yanjiaping Township, including yixiantian andshangtianlong. Yiwangxi scenic section, located in the lower reaches ofyiwangxi, contains stone landscapes such as liyutiaolong and shuixinyan. LingjinBeach Scenic section is located in the North Bank of Lingjin beach and wengzibeach, including rock landscape such as CHUANSHI and Qinshan. Wulingchuan scenicsection is located from baipingzhou to Yangzhou of Zou city. It contains famouscultural and natural landscapes such as sanri Tonghui, Baima Xuetao, lvluoqing,Meixi Yanyu, Chushan Spring Festival Gala, Zhangjiang Yeyue, Xunyang ancienttemple, Fufang Wandu and "three pavilions" (Baifo pavilions, Wenchang pavilions,Zhangjiang pavilions), "three pagodas" (Huifeng pagoda, Chuwang pagoda, Wenxingpagoda)


It was a sunny morning. My mother and I came to the place where we took theexpress bus. In fact, my mother is coming to Jiuzhi hall in Changde for ameeting. She just comes by to take me to play and eat Kentucky chicken.

We took the express bus. Wow, I was amazed at the scene. The car was fullof people and we had no place to sit. Fortunately, an uncle gave up his seat,otherwise we would have to wait for the next express bus. I really appreciatethis uncle. The car started, looked left and right, and saw the trees, statues,hills and streams beside the road After two hours' ride, we finally arrived atChangde. I ran out with my mother. Ah, it's so beautiful here. The small treesand buildings are in a regular line. The street in the middle is like a grayribbon. My mother and I took a taxi to Jiuzhitang here.

In the car, I sat in the car, looking at the scenery outside the window, Icouldn't help being intoxicated After three minutes, the taxi arrived atJiuzhitang, and my mother paid for it and got out of the car with me. Then mymother told me not to run around while walking. She also said that she wouldgive me ten yuan to buy food at the nearby store and let me stay there. Then shegave me ten yuan and left. I looked at the variety of goods, greedy DC saliva,quickly bought a packet of biscuits to eat. The owner of the shop is an old man.When he saw me, he asked me my name, age and grade in fluent Changde dialect. Ianswered truthfully. When we were chatting vigorously, we saw a bottle of newdrinks, and immediately had the desire to buy. I found the remaining money andstuffed it to my grandfather. Then I took a bottle of new drinks, and mygrandfather gave me the change. I found a chair to sit in front of mygrandfather and continued to chat with him. Soon after chatting, my motherfinished the meeting.

Mom and grandpa said goodbye and took me away. When we came to thepedestrian street, the scene before us was even better. It was full of people.Mom tries on clothes and shoes. Finally, she took me to KFC, where we orderedtwo egg towers and a hamburger. As soon as the egg tower and hamburger arrive,I'll gobble it up As soon as we finished eating, we left the pedestrian street.Then I took the express bus back. It's fun to go to Changde this time.


Welcome to LiuYe lake, Changde, an ecological tourism resort.

The shape of LiuYe lake is like a willow leaf, and it is named LiuYe lakebecause it is surrounded by willows. LiuYe lake is located in the northeast ofChangde ancient city, 2.5 km away from the city. It has Taiyangshan,yueliangshan and baiheshan in the north and Yuanshui in the south. In June 1944,it was approved as a provincial tourist resort by Hunan Provincial People'sgovernment. On November 2, 2001, it was approved as one of the first batch ofAAA scenic spots in China. The planned area is 44.96 square kilometers,including 21.8 square kilometers of water area. The annual average temperatureis 2 degrees lower than that in the urban area.

The water of LiuYe lake has several characteristics

First, the water is very active. The south of LiuYe lake is connected withthe Yuan river. With the Yuan river flowing into Dongting Lake and the YangtzeRiver, the water can be changed at least three times a year, but the water ofHangzhou West Lake can only be changed once every 15 years.

Second, the water is particularly flat. The average water depth of LiuYelake is 4 to 6 meters, and the water surface is particularly flat, which isespecially suitable for water sports. On the current LiuYe lake, there is a 2500meter standard track. The world's Canoeing competitions, Sino US rowingcompetitions, and some competitions in the province were held here. Previously,the Yueyang national water sports base was moved to Changde in 1955. This showsthat Changde LiuYe lake is suitable for water sports.

Third, the water is particularly clean and clean. The water in LiuYe Lakemeets the national standard for second-class drinking water. The visibility is 2to 3 meters, and the fish are also very fresh. There is a saying here that ifthe fish on the market sells for five yuan a Jin, the fish in LiuYe Lake willcertainly sell for seven yuan a Jin. This is because the government will spendsome money every year to subsidize the fishermen around and ask them to feed thefish with grass. The fish that eat aquatic plants grow slowly but are veryfresh. It can also be seen from this that the government pays great attention tothe water quality protection of LiuYe lake.

LiuYe lake has a strong cultural precipitation. It once raised twotop-level figures, Xiong Xiling and Yang Sichang. At the same time, there is thelove of fox fairy, one of the four love stories.

The story of the famous Huagu opera "Liu Hai chopping wood" in Hunan alsotakes place here. Liu Haige's family lives at the foot of Taiyang mountain. Hehas an old mother and is very sick. One day when she went out to collect herbs,she was taken in by elder sister Hu, a fox fairy. Elder sister Hu, who had neverexperienced human love, especially envied human love, so she turned into aGanoderma lucidum. When brother Liu saw Ganoderma lucidum, he thought, today'sluck is very good, and he was very happy. He took it down and got a kiss on hermouth. This kiss gave elder sister Hu Lingqi, which can also be called the firstkiss of LiuYe lake. LiuYe lake is a picturesque, romantic and affectionateplace. After arriving here, you are likely to enjoy the second kiss of LiuYelake!

There is a saying that a visit to Zhangjiajie is close to LiuYe lake.Changde is the hometown of fishing and rice in Dongting. It has a lot of water.The government also pays great attention to the construction of leisure placeshere. It's really comfortable to take a walk, fly kites, eat barbecue and takephotos in LiuYe lake. Now, the government plans to build a film and televisioncity here, and LiuYe lake will become more and more famous.

If you look at the surrounding facilities and leisure facilities, there arealso many. It's really a good place for tourism and leisure. Changde City is aleisure city. Living here, the income is not very low, but the consumption isnot very high, so it is very suitable for people to live. Now LiuYe lake isexpected to develop into a new urban area, and more and more people buy housesin LiuYe lake, becoming a symbol of identity and status.



