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Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. I'm glad tobe your tour guide. Today I'm going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together.

This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as China'sfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here.

Let's keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China.

There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Let's have a rest first, andthen we'll go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!


Hello and welcome to Yuelu Mountain. I'm wang _ _, the tour guide of Baodaotravel agency. Today I'll take you to Yuelu Mountain.

Yuelu Mountain is located in Hunan Province, Changsha City, west ofXiangjiang River. We came to the foot of Yuelu Mountain, walked through thearched gate, walked at the foot of the pebbles, came to the beautiful love latePavilion.

The top of aiwan Pavilion is made of green glazed tiles, red pillars andgreen railings. There are also couplets written by Chairman Mao on the pillars!A gust of wind blows, the green willows on both sides of aiwan pavilion arerustled by the wind, and the big Hu in front of aiwan Pavilion also has layersof ripples. This lake is very beautiful. The green surface of the lake is asclear as a piece of green jade. There are many seats and chessboards in thecenter of aiwan Pavilion for tourists to rest and play chess.

After walking through the love evening Pavilion and a small mountain road,you come to qingfengquan.

There is a hole like a small well in Qingfeng spring. The people whoreceive the spring water can put the water in the hole to receive the water. Thespring water is icy, like taking it out of the refrigerator. The water is veryclear. It is said that drinking the water from Qingfeng spring can make peopleyounger and younger.

Along the mountain road beside qingfengquan, you can visit the birdsongforest. There are hundreds of rare birds in the birdsong forest, such as owl,adamantine, bigbeak and so on, all of which are very rare to see.

After a short walk through the birdsong forest, you can reach the peak ofYuelu Mountain. Standing on the top of Yuelu Mountain, you can see the wholegreat Hexi river. It's a prosperous scene everywhere.

The tour of Yuelu Mountain is over. There are many beautiful scenic spotsin Yuelu Mountain. Friends who have not been there must go to enjoy it when theyhave time.


Dear friends

Hello everyone! I'm glad to accompany you to visit Yuelu Mountain scenicspot

Yuelu Mountain, located on the West Bank of Xiangjiang River in ChangshaCity, is the end of the 72 peaks of Hengshan Mountain. It has been a famousscenic spot since ancient times. Yuelu Mountain is a collection of famouscourtyard, pavilion, temple, palace, spring and wood. It has unique, precious,quiet and beautiful natural scenery, unique, special, bright and beautifulcultural landscape, Qingfeng gorge, aiwan Pavilion, Lushan temple, baihequan,caie tomb, Huangxing tomb, Yuwang tomb Nearly 100 scenic spots, such as Yunlupalace and Yuelu Academy, are attractive everywhere.

Now, I come to Qingfeng gorge, the core scenic spot of Yuelu Mountain. Herelush forest, trees into Yin, streams around, three sides against the peak,beautiful scenery in the clip show, intoxicating. From Qingfeng gorge to the topof the mountain, a large number of primary secondary forests have beenpreserved, with a total of 977 species of plants, 555 of which are wild seedplants and exotic flowers. According to expert statistics, there are manyancient and famous trees in the mountain, and rare and endangered tree speciesinclude ZAOJIA, ginkgo, etc. On the whole Yuelu Mountain, the oldest tree is aluohansong tree located in gulushan temple, which has a history of more than1700 years; the second is the ancient ginkgo next to Yunlu palace, which is morethan 1000 years old; the third is the camphor tree of Yuan Dynasty in Qianmen ofgulushan temple, which is about 700 years old. In addition, there are many mapletrees of Ming and Qing Dynasties around aiwan Pavilion. The most culturalcharacteristics are the ancient mulberry trees and the ancient locust trees inYuelu Academy. Because ancient people called the place where they studied "theland of mulberry and locust trees", they planted these two kinds of trees in theAcademy, forming a unique plant culture. According to statistics, five percentof the oxygen supply in Changsha is from Yuelu Mountain, which is really anatural oxygen bar

"If the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is notdeep, there will be dragons." Although Yuelu is not high, it is indeed a famousmountain with rich cultural heritage. There are 15 places listed as key culturalrelics protection units at or above the provincial level. The ancient Lushantemple, the deep Yuelu Academy, the clear Yunlu palace, and the strong tombs ofHuangxing and caie are all fascinating. Therefore, some people call YueluMountain "a famous humanistic mountain".

At the entrance of Qingfeng gorge, one of the most famous pavilions inChina, AI Wan Pavilion, stands high. AI Wan pavilion was built in 1972, the 57thyear of Qianlong reign of Qing Dynasty. Its founder was Luo Dian, the head ofYuelu Academy, a scholar and educator at that time. In the past, Fenglin was allover Qingfeng gorge, so Luo state-owned enterprises named the pavilion "HongyePavilion", also known as "Aifeng Pavilion". Later, the governor of Huguang, BiYuan, felt that the scenery here was very close to Du Mu's poem "a trip to themountains" and changed its name to "Ai Wan Ting".

Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are peoplein the depths of the white clouds;

Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in Februaryflowers.

Indeed, in late autumn, the top of Yuelu Mountain is shrouded in clouds andmist, and the maple leaves around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire and gorgeousas blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of the poem.

Now, you can see the whole picture of aiwan Pavilion. It sits in the Westand faces east, surrounded by mountains and craggy rocks. It is surrounded bystreams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streams and stones flowingin different directions.

Aiwan Pavilion is a typical Chinese classical pavilion with a sharp top. Ithas two sets of roofs, which are called "double eaves", showing air cushion andvigor; its roof adopts four inclined ridges, which are called "four drapes",showing the beauty of steadiness and modesty; the sharp roof makes the pavilionhave a kind of centripetal cohesion. All of these are the embodiment ofConfucianism in ancient architecture, such as emphasizing "reason", "standing onone's own", emphasizing "golden mean" and "great unification" in Chinesetraditional culture. At the same time, the eaves corner of the pavilion isinverted concave curve upward, which makes the original heavy sink have a livelyand elegant feeling. Together with Danzhu Biwa, Baiyu guardrail and paintedcaisson, the ancient beauty of this century old Pavilion is fully displayed.

Aiwan Pavilion is not only a place of historic interest, but also a holyland of revolution. In his youth, Comrade Mao Zedong, together with Cai Hesen,Luo xuezan, Zhang kundi and other close friends, often went to AI Wan pavilionto "point out the country and encourage the development of Chinese characters",sometimes even all night. At that time, Zhou Shizhao, a member of the Xinminsociety, recalled that he once wrote a poem "walking on the sand · visiting thelove Pavilion in autumn"

Bijian sound Qin, red forest for painting, a mountain autumn more naturaland unrestrained. In order to find the past, I went to fangting to pick upyingfengyi school.

When you are in the mountains, you are worried about the world. You cancount on the hurdles and spend the night. We should write the history from thebeginning.

Because of this, when the pavilion was rebuilt in 1952, Li Da, the thenhead of Hunan University, asked Chairman Mao to inscribe the pavilion. ChairmanMao happily wrote down the three characters "Ai Wan Ting", which is the plaqueon the lintel of the pavilion.

Now you can see that there is a couplet on the pavilion: "the mountain pathis red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new; theclouds in the gorge are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waitingfor the cage." This is the title of Luo Dian, the builder of AI Wan Pavilion. Itshows the style of AI Wan Pavilion at that time.

When Changsha and Kagoshima became friendly cities, aiwan Pavilion, as asymbol of the ancient city of Changsha, was imitated and built in Japan, thusbecoming a messenger of Sino Japanese friendship.


Hello and welcome to Yuelu Mountain. I'm wang Jizhuo, the tour guide ofBaodao travel agency. Today I'll take you to Yuelu Mountain.

Yuelu Mountain is located in Hunan Province, Changsha City, west ofXiangjiang River. We came to the foot of Yuelu Mountain, walked through thearched gate, walked at the foot of the pebbles, came to the beautiful love latePavilion.

The top of aiwan Pavilion is made of green glazed tiles, red pillars andgreen railings. There are also couplets written by Chairman Mao on the pillars!A gust of wind blows, the green willows on both sides of aiwan pavilion arerustled by the wind, and the big Hu in front of aiwan Pavilion also has layersof ripples. This lake is very beautiful. The green surface of the lake is asclear as a piece of green jade. There are many seats and chessboards in thecenter of aiwan Pavilion for tourists to rest and play chess.

After walking through the love evening Pavilion and a small mountain road,you come to qingfengquan.

There is a hole like a small well in Qingfeng spring. The people whoreceive the spring water can put the water in the hole to receive the water. Thespring water is icy, like taking it out of the refrigerator. The water is veryclear. It is said that drinking the water from Qingfeng spring can make peopleyounger and younger.

Along the mountain road beside qingfengquan, you can visit the birdsongforest. There are hundreds of rare birds in the birdsong forest, such as owl,adamantine, bigbeak and so on, all of which are very rare to see.

After a short walk through the birdsong forest, you can reach the peak ofYuelu Mountain. Standing on the top of Yuelu Mountain, you can see the wholegreat Hexi river. It's a prosperous scene everywhere.

The tour of Yuelu Mountain is over. There are many beautiful scenic spotsin Yuelu Mountain. Friends who have not been there must go to enjoy it when theyhave time.


Hello, everyone. My name is Liu Yuxuan. I'm the first-class tour guide ofYaya travel agency. I'm very glad to meet you at Yuelu Mountain. We'll have awonderful day together.

Yuelu Mountain is the most famous scenic spot in Changsha. It's 3000 abovesea level. 8 meters, is one of the 72 peaks of Nanyue. Yuelu Mountain is due tothe Southern Yue Ji written by Liu Song of the northern and Southern Dynasties,"eight hundred miles around Nanyue, Huiyan is the first, Yuelu is the foot." Itgot its name.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Look, in front is the loveevening Pavilion. Four red pillars support the roof made of green glazed tiles.In September, the maple leaves beside aiwan pavilion are all red. The red mapleleaves are perfectly combined with the beautiful scenery. The original name ofaiwan Pavilion is "Hongye Pavilion". Later, it was renamed "aiwan Pavilion"because of the poem in Du Mu's journey to the mountains: "stop to sit in themaple forest at night, frost leaves are red in February flowers". It is also oneof the four famous pavilions.

Well, tourists, please follow me. Now we come to Yuelu Academy, which iscalled "Millennium University". Yuelu Academy was founded in 976 B.C. in theninth year of Kaibao, Taizu of Song Dynasty. It went through song, yuan, Mingand Qing Dynasties. Moreover, there are many celebrities in Yuelu Academy. Forexample, Zeng Guopan, Zuo Zongtang and Yang Changji.

Happy time is always very short, Yuelu tour is coming to an end, I hope youhave a good time!



