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Yichang in modern times, due to the construction of Gezhouba Dam, broughtthe first revitalization of Yichang, and realized the leap from a small city toa medium-sized city. The construction of the Three Gorges project gave Yichangthe wings of the second revitalization. Yichang is moving forward from amedium-sized city to a big city. Of course, the development of Yichang isinseparable from the support of the state. In 1994, Yichang was approved as anopen city along the Yangtze River by the State Council Yichang, in the YangtzeRiver economic belt, connects Wuhan in the East and Chongqing in the West. It isthe combination of the eastern economy, technology and the western richresources, the eastern gate of the western development, and a supporting pointof Hubei Dajiao strategy.

Yichang has a subtropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons and anaverage annual temperature of 13-18 degrees. It is a very suitable city forpeople to live and travel in. Yichang is rich in natural resources, includingwater energy, mineral resources, biology and tourism.

Here, I will talk about the water energy resources of Yichang. There aremany rivers in the city. Besides the Yangtze River and Qingjiang River, thereare 99 rivers more than 10 kilometers away. Yichang has the largest hydropowerstation in Hubei -- Geheyan Hydropower Station on Qingjiang River, the largesthydropower station in Asia -- Gezhouba hydropower station, and the world-famousThree Gorges water control project. In addition, there are more than 300 smalland medium-sized hydropower stations with dense stars. With such abundanthydropower resources and sufficient development density, Yichang is the world'slargest hydropower station Yichang has become the largest hydropower base in theworld and the capital of hydropower in the world.

Yichang is also rich in mineral resources. There are 53 kinds of mineralsand 14 large deposits in Yichang. Phosphate rock is one of the six majorphosphate rocks in China, and graphite ore is one of the four high-qualitygraphite deposits in the world. Coal, gold, silver and copper are of greatindustrial mining value.

Yichang city has a pleasant climate and high quality soil provides a goodenvironment for the growth of citrus and tea plants. Therefore, Yichang is alsoknown as "the hometown of Citrus" and "the hometown of tea". Lu Yu, the tea sageof the Tang Dynasty, once mentioned in the book of tea that this is the "mostsuitable area" for tea planting and development. Yichang tea is mainlydistributed in the semi alpine area, "high mountain clouds produce good tea, lowmountain hills produce early tea". Yichang has both spring equinox "early springtea" and autumn equinox "autumn fragrant tea" on the market, and its outputranks in the forefront of Hubei Province. In wufenghouhe and Dalaoling ofYichang, there are still forest communities left over from the Quaternaryglacial period. In particular, Davidia involucrata in the original forest ofHouhe River in Wufeng is a survivor of the Quaternary glaciers, and has become a"living fossil" of plants in the world.

Yichang is one of the 11 key tourist cities in China. It has 747 tourismresources. The national tourism hotline, represented by the Three GorgesGallery, the Three Gorges water conservancy project and the Gezhouba WaterControl Project, is world-famous. There are also Ba people sites with a longhistory, ancient battlefield sites of the Three Kingdoms, Yuquan mountain knownas "three famous mountains of Chu" and Yuquan temple in Dangyang, one of thefour wonders in the world. Numerous landscapes, natural landscapes and culturallandscapes complement the Grand Three Gorges Dam and Gezhouba hydropowerprojects, forming unique tourism resources.

Today, Yichang, with its beautiful environment and green trees, is standingon the Bank of the Yangtze River with her unique style, marching towards thegoal of world tourism destination.


Hello everyone, it's been a hard journey. First of all, welcome to Yichang,the capital of water and electricity in the world. I'm Xiao Zhao, your guidetoday. Following the pace of the car, we embarked on the journey of Yichang. I'mvery happy to roam Yichang with me under the sky of fate. I wish you all have agood time here and let the beautiful Yichang stay in your memory forever.

In the west of Hubei Province, which is known as "the province of thousandsof lakes, the land of fish and rice", it is the ancient battlefield of the ThreeKingdoms and one of the birthplaces of Chu culture. Now Yichang is an emergingindustrial and tourism city in China, and a well-known hydropower city in China.There is such a bright pearl beside the Xiling Gorge of the Three Gorges of theYangtze River: its land is rich and beautiful. Yichang, located in the west ofHubei Province and the east of Chongqing City, is known as the Pearl at themouth of the gorge. It controls Bashu on the upper side and leads Jingxiang onthe lower. It is known as the throat of Sichuan and Hubei and the gateway of theThree Gorges During the Three Kingdoms period, the Yiling battle between Wu andShu took place in Yichang.

Yichang City governs five counties, three cities and five districts, with apopulation of 4.15 million. The city covers an area of 21000 square kilometers,with an urban area of 4249 square kilometers and an urban population of 1.338million. There are three main roads in the city, Dongshan Avenue, Yiling Avenueand Yanjiang Avenue, running through the whole city from north to south. YichangcitySPAns both sides of the Yangtze River. Yichang has convenienttransportation, including waterway, highway, railway, empty road and road Allright. Yichang port is one of the eight major ports of the Yangtze River.Jiaozhou Liuzhou Railway and Yichang Wanzhou railway meet in Yichang. The ThreeGorges Airport is not only the largest civil airport in the Three Gorges region,but also an international alternate airport. Yihuang highway, Hurong highway and318209055 national highway are the main roads, which extend in alldirections.

Yichang had a county government more than 2000 years ago. There were morethan ten names, such as Yiling, Yizhou, xiazhou and Donghu. The longest nameused is Yiling, which has a history of more than 2400 years. It is named afterthe mountain situation of "the water is here and the Yi is there and themountain is here and the Ling is there". It means: "the mountain is here and themausoleum is here, and the water is here and the barbarians are there." that isto say, as soon as the roaring Yangtze River reaches Yichang, the river becomeswider and the mountains on both sides gradually become hills. In the Yongzhengperiod of the Qing Dynasty, the court thought that the word "Yi" was taboo.Because the Han people called them "Yi people", they changed their name toYichang. Why is it called Yichang? Yichang has the meaning of conforming to thetimes and being suitable for prosperity Thinking is still in use today. It isalso known as xiazhou because it is located at the mouth of the Three Gorges ofthe Yangtze River. In the 13th year of Yongzheng reign of Qing Dynasty, it wasrenamed Yichang, which means "suitable for prosperity". Because the junction ofthe middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River "controls Bashu on the upperside and leads Jingxiang on the lower side", it is also known as "the throat ofSichuan and Hubei" and "the gateway of the Three Gorges".

The vicissitudes of Yiling for thousands of years, 200 thousand years ago,there were "Changyang people" activities in the Qingjiang River Basin. Thediscovery of dozens of Neolithic sites in the territory proves that theancestors of the Chinese nation lived and multiplied on this land as early as5000 or 6000 years ago. In the Warring States period, it was one of thebirthplaces of Chu culture. In 278 B.C., Emperor Qingxiang of Chu attacked BaiQi and burned the Yiling here. The name of Yiling was first found in history.During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei avenged Guan Yu and ledhundreds of thousands of troops to attack the state of Wu. Wu general Lu Xun,with only 50000 people, retreated to the Yiling line. When the conditions wereripe for the Shu army's "soldiers tired and cursed", he ordered to attack Shuwith fire. The fire burned 40 barracks, and the Shu army was defeated. Liu Beiretreated to Baidi city overnight. This is the story of Lu Xun burning companycamp 700 Li. After the Yiling war, the situation of tripartite confrontation isgone forever.

Yichang culture has a long history, as the cradle of Chu culture and thebirthplace of Ba culture. Some unique customs, such as the Tujia people's"Weeping marriage" were passed down along the mature agreement.


Three Gorges people are picturesque: traditional Three Gorges stilts aredotted in the mountains and rivers, ancient sailing boats and awning boats thathave not been seen for a long time are quietly moored in front of the ThreeGorges people's doors, girls by the stream are washing their clothes with clubhammers, and leisurely fishermen on the river are casting nets to catch fish Allkinds of customs and customs that have been handed down for thousands of yearsreflect the simple hospitality of Xiajiang people. When you enter XiajiangDiaojiaolou, Xiajiang girl is singing and dancing, and the red Hydrangea in herhand is floating. At this time, the beautiful Three Gorges girl holds a cup ofxiazhou tea for you, and you will feel dreamlike and kind.

The beauty of the stone tablets in the Three Gorges lies in "the urgency ofthe Bay, the strangeness of the stone, the seclusion of the valley, the Jue ofthe cave and the sweetness of the spring". It includes longjinxi, the fourthspring in the world, yepoling, Dengying cave, anti Japanese War Memorial Hall,Shipai ancient town, yangjiaxi military drifting and other scenic spots. Itstourism connotation can be summarized as "one two three four", namely: oneMuseum (Shipai Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall), two special projects (ThreeGorges folk custom project and yangjiaxi military drifting project), and threefirsts (Three Gorges first bay Mingyue Bay, yangjiaxi military drifting project)Shilingpai, the first magic card in China, dengyingshi, the first stone in theYangtze River, and Toad spring, the fourth spring in the world. Among them, theThree Gorges family style projects are divided into water family, stream family,mountain family and today's family. Since ancient times, scholars and poets ofall ages have written many beautiful poems, such as Li Bai in Tang Dynasty,Ouyang Xiu, Su Zhe and Huang Tingjian in Northern Song Dynasty, Lu You inSouthern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong in Qing Dynasty, and Guo Moruo, a greatmodern poet. Poets use their spiritual pen to write about the people in theThree Gorges, the sound of sculls, the sweet spring of toads, the greenmountains and waterfalls, and the beautiful peaks and rocks After reading thesepoems, I feel as if I am on the scene, enjoying the magical scenery and richamorous feelings of the Shipai of the Three Gorges people.

The Three Gorges people integrate the essence of the Three Gorges culture,the Ba style and Chu rhyme, and have a panoramic view of the Xiajiang river. Themagnificent Yangtze River has nurtured the culture of the Three Gorges. It isthe cream of Bachu's traditional national art. Bachu culture is blending,multiplying and developing here. When broadness and mystery get married,brilliance and massiness get married, Three Gorges people are destined to be thelegend of Three Gorges tourism.

Sanxiarenjia is located in Xiling Gorge, the most fantastic and magnificentof the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Between the Three Gorges Dam and theGezhouba Dam, it spans both sides of the beautiful Dengying gorge, covering anarea of 14 square kilometers. People in the Three Gorges are picturesque.

With the completion of the world-famous Three Gorges Dam, the water levelin the dam area will rise 175 meters. The magnificent and beautiful scenery ofthe Three Gorges in the past will be greatly improved. Only the Dengying gorgebetween the two dams maintains the original scenery of the gorge.


Yichang has a long history. There are activities of "Changyang people" inthe Qingjiang River Basin of Yichang. The discovery of dozens of Neolithic sitesin the territory proves that the ancestors of the Chinese nation lived on thisland seven or eight thousand years ago.

Yichang belonged to the Xiling tribe in ancient times. According to therecords of Yichang Prefecture, Yiling was the site of ancient Jingzhou in theXia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. "It was the Western fortress of Chu in the springand Autumn period and the Warring States period, with a city built.". In the26th year of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty (221 BC), prefectures and countieswere set up, and Yiling was changed to Wuxian. Most of Yichang city belongs toNanjun. In the Western Han Dynasty, Yiling belonged to South County of Jingzhou.In 208, Yiling was changed to Linjiang county. In the 15th year of Jian'an(210), Linjiang county was changed into Yidu County, leading four counties,including Yidu (now Yichang), Zigui, Zhijiang and Yidao (now Yidu).

In the Three Kingdoms period, in the first year of Huangwu (222), Yilingwas changed to Xiling County, also known as Yidu county. During the Taikangperiod of Jin Dynasty (280-289), it was changed into Yiling county. Yichang wasnamed in the Eastern Jin Dynasty when another county was set up in the west ofFenyi Mausoleum (between huangniuyan and Heiyan on the South Bank of the YangtzeRiver). The implication is that the county should be set up in order to make thecountry prosperous.

In the southern and Northern Dynasties, song and Qi were the same as Jin.Liang changed Yidu county to Yizhou, Western Wei to tuozhou, Northern Zhou toxiazhou.

In the third year of Daye of Sui Dynasty (607), xiazhou was changed intoYiling County, which had jurisdiction over Yiling, Yidao, Changyang and Yuan'ancounties. Yiling county was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou Prefecture. Inthe early Tang Dynasty, Yiling county was changed to xiazhou, which led theabove four counties and belonged to Shannan Dongdao. Tianbao was changed toYiling county at the beginning. In the first year of Qianyuan Dynasty (758),xiazhou was rebuilt, and it still belonged to Shannan Dongdao.

In the Five Dynasties, xiazhou, Jingzhou and Guizhou were the states ofNanping. In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was called xiazhou, belonging toJinghu North Road, and still under the jurisdiction of the original Yiling fourcounties. During the Yuanfeng period (1078-1085), Xia was changed to Xia.

In the 17th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1280), xiazhou was upgraded toxiazhou Road, leading the original four counties, belonging to the North Road ofJinghu in Henan Province. In the early Ming Dynasty, xiazhou road was changed toxiazhou capital. In 1376, xiazhou was changed into Yiling Prefecture, which ledYidu County, Changyang County and Yuan'an county. Yiling Prefecture was underthe jurisdiction of Jingzhou Prefecture of Huguang Prefecture.

In 1647, Yiling Prefecture was subordinate to Jingzhou Prefecture. In thefifth year of Shunzhi, Yiling was changed to Yiling. In 1735, Yiling Prefecturewas promoted to Yichang Prefecture, and Yiling county was changed to DonghuCounty, which was the seat of Yichang Prefecture. It led five counties,including Donghu, Xingshan, Badong, Changyang, Changle, Guizhou and Hefeng, andwas subordinate to Jingyi Shidao. Yidu, Zhijiang, Dangyang and Yuan'an belong toJingzhou Prefecture. In 1876, the Sino British Treaty of Yantai was signed, andYichang was opened as a trading port. The next year, Yichang set up a customsand officially opened to the outside world.

In the early years of the Republic of China, the government and prefecturesystem was abolished, and the three-level system of province, state and countywas implemented. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Donghucounty was changed to Yichang County, and Xingshan, Zigui, Badong, Changyang,Wufeng, Hefeng counties belong to Jingnan road. Dangyang and Yuan'an belong toXiangnan road. In 1922, Yichang belonged to jingyidao.

In 1932 and 1936, Yichang, Yidu, Dangyang, Yuan'an, Xingshan, Zigui,Changyang and Wufeng were the ninth and sixth administrative supervisiondistricts, respectively. The office of the commissioner was located in Yichangcounty. Zhijiang County successively belongs to the seventh and fourthadministrative supervision district of Hubei Province. In August 1948, theJianghan District Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to formallyestablish the fourth Commissioner's Office (also known as Xiangxi specialoffice). In 1949, it was changed to Dangyang special office. On May 20, YichangCommissioner's office was set up in Dangyang, and in the same month, Yichangparty and government leading group was set up in Dangyang. On June 11, the CPCYichang municipal committee and Yichang municipal people's government wereformally established in lujiawan, Dangyang. On July 16, Yichang city wasliberated. The CPC Yichang special office and Yichang municipal Party andgovernment organs moved from Dangyang to Yichang city. On November 15, Yichangcity was liberated.

After the founding of new China, Hubei Province was divided into eightadministrative regions. Among them, the office of the Commissioner of YichangAdministrative Region governs nine counties: Yichang, Yidu, Zhijiang, Dangyang,Yuan'an, Xingshan, Zigui, Changyang and Wufeng. At the same time, the formerurban area and suburban countryside of Yichang county were set up as YichangCity, directly under the jurisdiction of Hubei Provincial People's government.In 1951, the office of the Commissioner of Yichang administrative region waschanged into the office of the Commissioner of Yichang District of HubeiProvincial People's government, and in 1955 it was changed into the office ofthe Commissioner of Yichang, Hubei Province. In November 1954, Yichang city waschanged to be under the leadership of Yichang special administration. At thistime, Yichang special administration has jurisdiction over 9 counties and 1city. At this time, Yichang Commissioner's office had jurisdiction over 8counties and 1 city. In December 1958, Yichang Commissioner's office wasabolished and the administrative office of Yidu industrial zone was established.In May 1961, the administrative office of Yidu industrial zone was abolished andYichang Commissioner's office was established. In January 1968, Yichang regionalRevolutionary Committee was established. In August 1978, the Yichang regionalRevolutionary Committee was abolished and the Yichang regional administrativeoffice was established. In June 1979, Yichang city became a provincial city. InMarch 1992, in order to meet the needs of reform and development, Yichangdistrict and Yichang City were merged with the approval of the centralgovernment to implement the system of city leading county.


Dear distinguished guests, how do you do? The White Dew on the reeds isfrost. The so-called "Yi Ren" on the water side is the poet's first encounterToday is also our first meeting. It's a great honor to be your guide. My name issong Xiaoniu, Song Jiang's song, the size of the small, Niuniu's Niu. You cancall me song Dao, or you can call me Xiaoniu just like my friends. On my righthand side is our top 10 drivers in Yichang, Master Li. This trip will be servedby me and master Li. I hope you can enjoy our visit We can have a good time andhave a good time together.

If you want to see Tujia Yaomei, you don't have to go to Hunan. Yichang isOK. If you want to see the Grand Canyon, you don't have to go to Colorado orYichang. If you want to find the world of Hawthorn love in Zhang Yimou's works,you don't have to go to Hengdian. In Yichang, you will find the purest place oflove in the world.

If you must ask me what kind of City Yichang is, let me tell you slowly?Yichang is the place where the sun rises, the place where the moon rests, theplace men yearn for, and the place women dream of. Yichang was called Yiling inancient times, which means that the mountain is here and Lingshui is here andYiling is there. The population here is about 4.13 million. It governs fivecounties, three cities and five districts. Its GDP in 2018 is 406.4 billion,ranking third in Hubei Province. In 2019, it will be ranked 15th in the top 100prefecture level cities in China.

This is the Pearl of the Three Gorges, the power heart of China and thehydropower capital of the world. There is Gezhouba, the first dam of the YangtzeRiver, and the Three Gorges Dam, the first dam in the world.

Here are the world's four cultural celebrities - Qu Yuan, the author of theworld's four great beauties. Among the 120 performances of the Three Kingdoms,36 took place in Yichang, Hubei Province.

Yichang is one of the first batch of 40 top tourist cities in China, and ofcourse it is one of the 11 key tourist cities in China. There are only 11 5Ascenic spots in Hubei, but did you know that Yichang has four.

You said that some people like the sea, but you like the mountains andrivers, so when we come to Yichang, we should be in love. You say that somepeople like sunshine and sand beach, and you like smoky rain all over the city,so in Yichang, let's go to see the smoky rain Three Gorges. You say that somepeople like love affairs, but you like to meet by chance, so in Yichang, I willtake you to find the purest love.

Because a person, fall in love with a city, I am Yichang tour guide songXiaoniu, hope because of me, you will fall in love with this humane city -Yichang.



