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dear visitors, we are running at the national famous tourist resort ,thenational-level four-star forest park——gupo hill.every year millions of travelersfrom everywhere in our country rush into gupo hill to experience its miracle.howcan gupo hill be so popular?ok.it is my honour to share the fantastic scenery ingupo hill with you!

first,what you can never miss is xiangu temple.that is a holy place for thedevotees.you should make a bow to show your respect to the xiangu.making a praywith some incense sticks is very necessary,especially when you want to pray forgood fortune.here we come into the hall,where the monk chant and meditate.thereexisting a maitreya buddha.it is said that touching his ears can achieve longlife,touching his nose can bring wisdom and touching his stomach can growrich.believe it or not,just have a try!

the next station is a fall called xiannvshanhua fall.it’s named because ofits falling is very much like a fairy spreading flowers.very beautiful,isn’tit?allright,there are many other famous falls in gupo hill,such as yulongfall,xiangu fall,galloper fall etc.all the falls mentioned above are verywonderful and attractive.they are very much like many silvery milky ways sweeprapidly down!the falls are trickling droplets .you will feel like youselvesliving in a mysterious wonderland if you’re approaching them.it feel like thatyou’re carrying through a thorough baptism.why not just go to experience thatabsorbing feeling yourselves?

is there anybody would like to have a drink?ok,we are coming,wines’country!there are many kinds of wines here.if you’re fond of drinking,this isjust the very place you’re looking for.be seated around the table,faced with thebeautiful landscape,with various wines to taste.just imagine it,how can youhold-up your tendency to enjoy this splendid moment?

eventually,it comes to the monkeys’home.there are many mokeys here andthere.they are all very cute and active.attention:keep your food stay with you,or the monkey will grasp firmly on your food ,especially when the food give outpleasant smell.they are very smart and naughty.i think you will love them.

ok,our journey comes to the end so fast.i bet that we’re all enjoying thewonderful trip,aren’t we?that’s a big feast for our eyes and ears.thegood-smelling flowers ,the singing birds and the clean rills and so on.i believethat it will be an unforgettable memory for everyone here.let’s expect the nextfascinating travelling!


Full name of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region of guangxi, hereinafterreferred to as "guangxi". Nanning, capital is the asean countries and China'sunity and cooperation meeting place, known as the green city the laudatory name.The guangxi zhuang autonomous region is located in the motherland southernxinjiang, located in east longitude 104 ° 26 '- 112 ° 04', north latitude 20 °54 '- 26 ° 24', between the tropic of cancer crosses the central district. Isthe most convenient sea route, the southwest and southeast of resource-basedeconomy in western China and the open economy of integration, in occupies animportant position in the economic exchange between China and southeastAsia.

All autonomous regions populated zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong, MuLao, monaoethnic group had, hui, jing, yi, such as water, GeLao nation. Guangxi is locatedin southern xinjiang of the motherland, is located in north latitude 20 ° 54 '~26 ° 23', longitude 104 ° 29 '~ 112 ° 04'. South beibu bay, and hainan provinceacross the sea, the east of guangdong, the northeast of hunan province,northwest guizhou province, west yunnan, southwest and adjacent to Vietnam, theroad boundary line 1020 kilometers long.

River water rich in guangxi, sediment concentration, less up summer andfall winter. Landscape in guangxi belongs to hilly basin, many mountains andplains, the topography is surrounded by high, middle low. Guangxi belongs tosubtropical humid monsoon climate zone, short winters and long summer heat,rainfall is rich, rain heat the same. 17 ~ 22 ℃, annual average temperature inJuly was the most thermidor, is the most of January. Average annual rainfall in1250 ~ 1750 mm, rainfall is the most against the city, is the least tianyang. Inaddition to the mountains of north guangxi, much of the winter averagetemperature above 10 ℃, rare frost and snow.

Guangxi ancient belong to the earth, has a long history. Archaeologicaldiscoveries of the baise paleoanthropological sites show that as early as 700000years ago have primitive humans lived here.

Guangxi since the ancient times is a multi-ethnic populated areas, is oneof the five ethnic autonomous regions in China, inhabited by the han, zhuang,yao, miao, dong, jing, mulam, maonan, hui, yi, aquatic animals, kelao 12 people.Guangxi minorities have maintained their simple folk customs, in food, clothing,housing, holidays, custom and so on all have distinctive national features, andin the long-term economic interaction and influence each other in the culturalexchange, absorb each other.

In the long history of several thousand years, people of all ethnic groupsin guangxi rich created the brilliant national culture. Ancient culture, liusanjie folk culture, stone culture, art of the white lotus makes guangxi cultureis bright beautiful. The baise basin archaeological findings shocked the Chineseand foreign, special fat; National great songs BaGui large song and dance andzhuang "mama le's visit to the sky" arrogant won the double, clueless. Murals,tonggu, folk songs is a dazzling pearl in the culture.

Localized 11 ethnic minority in guangxi, in addition to the hui dialect,use live all have their own language, and zhuang, miao and yao also have theirown dialects. Guangxi region of the six kinds of Chinese dialects, which arerespectively, southwest mandarin, cantonese, hakka, xinsheng township and mindialects.


Guangxi, beautiful BaGui land. Hundreds of the beauty of the mountains, isrich in mineral resources; One thousand rivers beautiful, formed the endlessocean resources, rich in fruit, known as "fruit of the township". Peculiar karstlandform, brilliant cultural relics, rich ethnic customs, make guangxi uniquecharm. Guangxi is a multi-ethnic place, it is one of the three home.

Guangxi famous tourist attractions: guilin landscape, famous for itsscenery, has the "landscape jiatianxia guilin". Historical cultural landscape:Cheng Yangyong dhi bridge, kunlun battle site, the office of the eighth routearmy guilin site, youjiang worker-peasant democratic government site, Chinesered army eighth army of workers and peasants, Chinese red army seventh army ofworkers and peasants, sun yat-sen memorial hall, wuzhou, the taiping heavenlykingdom jintian uprising address.

Guangxi warm climate, rich heat, wet, wet, seasonal variation is notobvious, the sunshine is moderate, winter summer more than less, suitable fortravel all year.

Is in the west of south China, the beibu gulf in the south, bordering onVietnam, the district jurisdiction over 14 administrative, 34 municipaldistrict, 7 county-level city, 56, 12 ethnic autonomous county county, the othertwo administrative zone and 2 zone.

During the warring states period, lingnan said more land, guangxi belongsto the best part of the more. In 214 BC, the qin dynasty unified the, set up inlingnan, the south China sea and as county, guilin guilin county and county asincluding today in most areas of guangxi, the capital of the republic of Chinain the early is so called "laurel" in guangxi in guilin. Guangxi comes from thename of the song dynasty by the organizational system of administrative units -"quang nam road", hereinafter referred to as "guangxi road", this is the originof the name of "guangxi".


Guangxi is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions, zhuang, han, yao,miao, dong and other 12 indigenous peoples. At the end of 20__ a totalpopulation of 50.92 million people, the resident population of 4856 people,including ethnic minority population of 19.59 million people, accounting for38.8% of the population in this district, zhuang population of 16.65 millionpeople, 33% of the total population. Land area of 23.67 square kilometers, in 14cities and 110 counties (city, area).

The development of guangxi advantage mainly include four aspects:

One is the location advantage. Guangxi coastal, border areas, along theYangtze river, is located in south China, southwest and asean economic circle ofthe junction, is the most convenient port in southwest China and opening to theoutside of the window, is China's only border with the association of south-eastAsian nations (asean) has both land and sea lanes of provinces and autonomousregions, is the forefront of China's open to the association of south-east Asiannations (asean) and the "bridgehead".

Second, the resource advantage. Guangxi is one of the 10 key areas forproducing non-ferrous metals, aluminum, manganese, tin, antimony, indium andother mineral reserves ranked among the top nationwide, including aluminumresources reserves of 1 billion tons, built the Asia important aluminumindustrial base in the country. Water can be developed reserves of more than1800 kw, the seventh in the nation. Guangxi is China's rice, sugar cane,silkworm cocoon, cassava production first in the country. Coastal resources andMarine resources is also very rich. Guangxi has rich tourism resources, guilinlandscape, coastal scenery, border customs and ethnic customs make peoplelinger.

Three is the ecological advantages. The blue sky blue sea, green mountainwater show, the air is fresh, is one of the advantages of guangxi. In theexisting forest area of 193 million mu, forest coverage rate of 55%, the fourthin the nation, there are 22 national ecological demonstration area, 76 naturalreserve. Good ecological environment, has become one of the advantages ofguangxi, a big brand, is a precious wealth.

Four is policy advantage. At the same time enjoy the coastal areas of theopen policy, the western development policy, regional national autonomy policyand border trade policy. Countries approved the implementation of the beibu gulfeconomic zone in guangxi development planning ", specifically in thecomprehensive reform, major projects, bonded logistics system, financialinnovation should give policy support and open cooperation, etc. The statecouncil formally issued "several opinions on further speed up the economic andsocial development in guangxi", from the national level of economic and socialdevelopment in guangxi has made strategic deployment, further strengthen thesupport to guangxi. Superposition of a variety of preferential policies, so thatthe investment environment of guangxi and open conditions become moreprominent.

According to preliminary statistics, our GNP in 20__ to achieve 770.036billion yuan, an increase of 13.9% over the previous year, the fifth growth inthe country; Fiscal revenue was 96.689 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%, ofwhich the general budget revenue was 62.083 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8%,the growth rate ranked sixth in the country; In social investment in fixedassets 570.67 billion yuan, up by 50.8%; Total foreign trade import and exportgrowth of 7.3%, including export growth of 13.9%, increase the national firstplace; Urban per capita disposable income of 15451 yuan, the actual increase of12%. Farmers per capita net income of 3980 yuan, the actual growth rate of10.6%.

Current and future a period, guangxi will fully implement the party's 17thand 17 third session, the fourth plenary session spirits, and general secretaryhu jintao and other central leading comrades of guangxi work the importantinstructions of spirit, with deng xiaoping theory and "three represents"important thought as guidance, further implement the scientific outlook ondevelopment, conscientiously implement the state council "about to furtherpromote economic and social development in guangxi several opinions, surroundingthe construction wealthy civilization harmonious new guangxi, adhere to theimplementation of the scientific progress three year plan of the strategicobjectives, adhere to scientific development, harmonious development,SPAnningdevelopment strategy of the theme, adhere to the space in time and resources inindustry and in the incremental stock of strategic thinking, adhere to theindustry, traffic, the priority development of strategic layout of the beibugulf economic zone, constantly new strides in continue to emancipate the mind,realize new breakthrough on adhere to the reform and opening up, on thescientific development, promote social harmony on the new progress to see newachievements, to become a new highland international regional economiccooperation, guangxi construction new coastal economic development of China.


La région autonome zhuang du guangxi, la mer du nord, dans la province duguangxi, au large du nord-est de l’atoll situé le plus au sud, la mer du nord dugolfe beibu, est un paysage Urbain et le climat, avec, intense. Mais un paysagelittoral subtropical, la belle ville de la ville touristique.

La mer du nord au sud de la Chine est un beau rivage, le jardin de la villese situe, quartiers résidentiels arborés de rectitude, mers, de l’?le, les c?tesparticulières et le beau soleil du nom de l’eau, des plages nette, XiGe HuaYangparois latérales, prévoyant la construction dans des zones urbaines, des zonesrésidentielles gracieux, un style vertes, la nature des dons généreux àaccrocher un beau dessin. Population urbaine naturel, culturel, KeGu culturelsdes communes, des ?ufs culturelles contrastent fortement avec la culturelocale.

La mer du nord, la lumière du soleil se subtropicales, précipitations, lavégétation luxuriant. YeLu tout au long de l’année, quatre saisons GuaGuoconsacré beaucoup compliqué. Le milieu naturel sont bien protégés dans denombreux pays du continent et les ?les c?tières naturels, bonne température desplages, Vincent paronnaud nette à flot souple, comme la capacité nette de tapis.La qualité de l’eau au niveau national. L’air est la plus fra?che national dansdifférentes villes du pays, dans le niveau excellent. La Chine villes vivablesest un ?trois? (c’est -à-dire en mer du nord, zhuhai, weihai, xiamen). Un YangBaprévale est gratuit.

La mer du nord du pays qui YinTan villégiature du tourisme et propositionsXingDaoHu deux continents, le tourisme dans une optique de vacances, et le parcforestier national flots ridge national de protection des mangroves, porte lesréserves naturelles, les zones naturelles protégées, BaiLong sirène paysZhenZhuCheng, zones protégées, GePu HanDai la sépulture, trincomalee, libelvédère versants des consulats européens ciea, un grand nombre de sites,Ha?ti, lac, comme l’agriculture, la sylviculture, les montagnes, les monuments,culturel?. L’état du YinTan shelco cinq plus sur la liste. Guangxi ?paysage dunord, la mer guilin est fière YinTan?.



