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Hello everyone, today I will show you around Guangzhou tower. My name isXie. You can call me Xie.

Guangzhou tower, also known as "xiaomanyao", is tall and strong. It is madeof long iron bars. It is more than 600 meters high, occupying the position ofthe world's highest TV Tower. With such a high tower, some tourists may worryabout what to do if there is an earthquake or typhoon. Don't worry. According tothe design of architectural experts, "xiaomanyao" can resist an earthquake ofmagnitude 8 and a typhoon of magnitude 12, so you can play on it with ease.Having said that, I believe that everyone can't wait to visit the Guangzhoutower. Then follow me to the Guangzhou tower!

Ladies and gentlemen, if you follow my fingers, can you see the tall figureof "little Manyao". The two ends are thick, and the middle is thin. It lookslike a "small Manyao". The "small Manyao" of Guangzhou tower really deserves itsreputation.

There is a famous revolving restaurant in Guangzhou tower. We can take theelevator to the restaurant in a short time. As soon as I entered the hall, thefragrance came to my face and attracted a lot of people. Enjoy Chinese food atan altitude of 600 meters and feel a different taste. Is it comfortable. Aftereating and drinking enough, we can go sightseeing on the ferris wheel at the topof the tower. The location is high and you can have a bird's-eye view of thewhole city. As long as you don't have acrophobia and think of the feeling thatthe whole world is under your feet, there is definitely a feeling that the kingis in the world.

My friends, when night falls, "little Manyao" is more charming. The starrysky twinkles like countless eyes winking at you. From the top of Guangzhoutower, you can see the Pearl River and Haixinsha island. At night, the lights inGuangzhou are brilliant, the lights in the middle of the river are shining, andthe lights on the street are particularly enchanting.

With the rapid improvement of economic level, more and more people come toGuangzhou to travel. The landmark of Guangzhou tower has become a famous scenicspot. It is a good place for those who come to Guangzhou for the first time.

Today, our trip is over here. Thank you very much for your support andcooperation! Welcome to Guangzhou next time!


Guangzhou, also known as Yangcheng, is the capital of Guangdong Province.Guangzhou is the center of politics, economy, culture, science and technologyand transportation in South China. It is a famous coastal open city and anational comprehensive reform experimental zone. Guangzhou is evergreen all theyear round, with beautiful scenery and flowers blooming all the year round. Itis known as "Flower City".

Guangzhou has a total area of 7434.4 square kilometers and a totalpopulation of 7251900. As a famous cultural city with a long history, Guangzhouis also a famous tourist city. After the reform and opening up, great changeshave taken place in Guangzhou___ Guangzhou ranked third in the comprehensivestrength of the top ten cities in China.

Guangzhou 20___ The annual gross domestic product (GDP) reached 346.663billion yuan, 20___ The annual growth rate was 15%, reaching a new high in eightyears; the per capita GDP was 47900 yuan; the general budget revenue ofGuangzhou was 27.475 billion yuan, an increase of 15.5% year on year; theinvestment in fixed assets was 115.777 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7% yearon year.

The rapid economic growth is brought by the rapid development of variousindustries. With the smooth progress of a number of key productivity projects,new economic growth points are gradually taking shape, and industrialcompetitiveness and development potential are significantly enhanced. Urbanagriculture has been developing healthily, the role of consumption driving hasbeen further strengthened, and foreign trade exports and the use of foreigncapital have continued to grow. Various reforms with institutional innovation asthe core have been further deepened. Focus on the reform of state-ownedenterprises, a number of enterprises with strong competitiveness continue togrow. Guangzhou Development Zone and Nansha Development Zone have tried out the"free zone" of administrative management, which has reduced the cost of urbanoperation. With the healthy development of non-public economy, the totalindustrial output value of private industrial enterprises above Designated Sizereached 115.764 billion yuan, an increase of 18%, and the number of privateenterprises reached 78604, an increase of 18%. The momentum of foreign trade andeconomic development is strong. In the whole year, Guangzhou's total import andexport value reached 34.94 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 25.1%,of which 16.89 billion US dollars were exported, an increase of 22.6%. The totalimport and export value of Guangzhou municipal enterprises was US $28.568billion, up 27.87% year-on-year, of which the export value was US $14.033billion, up 27.40% year-on-year. A total of 870 foreign direct investmentprojects were approved in the city, with a year-on-year increase of 12.1%. Thenewly approved contracted foreign investment was US $4.022 billion, with ayear-on-year increase of 27.04%. The actually used foreign investment was US$3.064 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 15.5%. Among them, the actuallyused foreign direct investment was US $2.581 billion, with a year-on-yearincrease of 13.0%. The amount of overseas investment contract reached 107million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 37%, the completed turnover was109 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 19.79%, and the number ofoverseas labor service personnel was 4080, a year-on-year increase of 20.78%. Atpresent, 115 of the world's top 500 multinational companies have enteredGuangzhou and invested 204 projects, with a total investment of US $5.82billion.

At the same time, the construction of urban infrastructure has beenaccelerated in an all-round way. The construction of major urban infrastructure,such as subway, airport, expressway and sewage treatment, has been accelerated.The Sanyuanli Pazhou section of Metro Line 2 has been put into operation. TheGuangzhou University City special line of Metro Line 3 and Metro Line 4 has beenpushed forward. The construction of three test sections of Guangzhou Foshan linehas started. The first phase of Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport is inthe final stage. A number of high-grade roads such as the south section of thenorth extension of the new airport expressway and urban trunk roads have beenbuilt.

The quality and management level of urban ecological environment have beenimproved significantly. The "green mountains and green land" and "blue sky andclear water" projects have been launched. The forest coverage rate of the cityhas reached 41.4%, and 45 kilometers of urban road green belts have been newlyadded and reconstructed. The number of days that the air quality of the wholeyear remained at the national standard reached 86%, and the noise pollutioncontinued to decline for nine years. The construction of the four major sewagetreatment systems has been promoted in an all-round way, and all the municipaldomestic waste has been treated by harmless sanitary landfill. We vigorouslypromoted the "safe and assured" project, effectively strengthened urbanmanagement, further improved market order and social security, and constantlyimproved the urban and rural environment.

New steps have been taken in revitalizing the city through science andeducation and strengthening the city through culture. Accelerate theconstruction of regional innovation system, and further enhance the scientificand technological innovation ability and international competitiveness ofcentral cities. 20___ In, the output value of industrial high-tech productsreached 1094.31, an increase of 37.6%, accounting for 23.3% of the city's totalindustrial output value. The research and development (R & D) expenditure ofthe whole society reached 5.5 billion yuan, accounting for 1.6% of the GDP ofGuangzhou. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress toindustrial economic growth reached 51.6%, an increase of 2%. The number ofpatent applications and authorizations increased by 30.5% and 37.8%respectively, and the number of invention patent applications increased by52.3%, ranking first among provincial capitals in China. HuanghuagangInformation Park was officially approved by the Ministry of information industryas the first national "Information Service Demonstration Park". "SARS"scientific and technological research project took the lead in isolatingcoronavirus from the secretions of SARS patients. With the deepening ofeducation reform centered on quality education, good results have been achievedin the construction of model ordinary high schools and the transformation of"schools with special difficulties in land use" in old urban areas. It hasachieved a breakthrough of zero in national key disciplines of municipaluniversities. The construction of Guangzhou University Town is advancing at fullspeed, and it is planned to be completed in the 20th century___ In September2001, it officially enrolled students. Literary and artistic creation and masscultural and artistic activities have been vigorously carried out, and more than300 literary and artistic works have been awarded at or above the provinciallevel. New progress has been made in the protection of cultural relics andhistorical and cultural cities, and the cultural taste of cities has beenfurther improved.

The quality of people's life has been continuously improved. We will fullyimplement various policies to promote employment and reemployment. We willcontinue to do a good job in the connection of the five security lines, and thenumber of retirees participating in various social insurance programs and socialmanagement will keep growing. Improve the production and living conditions offarmers, the city's administrative villages to achieve water, electricity,telephone, cement road, cable TV. We will continue to deepen the reform of taxesand fees in rural areas and reduce the overall burden of farmers by more than80%. The average wage of the city's employees was 28237 yuan, an increase of10.4%. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 15002.59 yuan, anincrease of 12.1%. The per capita net income of rural residents was 6130 yuan,an increase of 5.1%, and the per capita disposable income was 5953 yuan, anincrease of 4.6%. The balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residentswas 3727.33, an increase of 19.0%.

New progress has been made in the construction of spiritual civilizationand various social undertakings. Rise to study and carry out the party'sideological and Political Education___ The great spirit, the important thoughtof "Three Represents" and___ Inspecting the new climax of the spirit ofGuangdong's important speech. New achievements have been made in competitivesports and mass sports activities, and 20 candidates have applied for thegames___ The Asian Games has been approved by the State Council. The secondChina ASEAN entrepreneur exchange seminar and the Guangzhou Cultural Week of theSino French cultural year were successfully held, and new progress was made inthe exchanges and cooperation between friendly cities. At present, it hascooperated with Fukuoka City of Japan, Los Angeles City of the United States,Manila city of the Philippines, Vancouver City of Canada, Sydney city ofAustralia, Bari city of Italy, Lyon city of France, Frankfurt City of Germany,Auckland City of New Zealand, Guangzhou city of South Korea, Lin Xueping city ofSweden, deban city of South Africa, Bristol City of the United Kingdom,Yekaterinburg city of Russia, and other 14 cities in China Urumqi, Shenyang,Nanning, Harbin and Nanchang have established friendly city relations. It haspromoted the unity of the military, the government and the people, and won thehonorary title of "national model city of double support" for the fifth time ina row.


Baiyun Mountain is located in the north of Guangzhou city. It is one of thefamous mountains in southern Guangdong. It is known as "the first show ofYangcheng". It is composed of more than 30 peaks. You can see the whole city andthe Pearl River from a high altitude. When it is sunny after rain or in latespring, the mountains are surrounded by white clouds, hence the name of themountain.

Baiyun Mountain has been a famous scenic spot since ancient times, "Purunsource", "Baiyun wanwang" and "Jingtai guizeng" have been listed in the "EightSights of Yangcheng". In recent years, it has opened up the mountain top andShanbei Park, built Garden Style Villa Hostel, Shuangxi villa, Songtao gardenand bird watching garden. Many people go to mount Baiyun every year on thedouble ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

Baiyun Mountain has been well known for a long time. In the Warring Statesperiod, there were already famous people in and out of the country. In the JinDynasty, the scenery was pleasant, and in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous as aresort. Since the Song Dynasty, Baiyun Mountain has occupied many of the "EightSights of Yangcheng". People in Yangcheng always like to visit here. Especiallyin the Double Ninth Festival, they enjoy climbing Baiyun Mountain. At this time,the busy scene of supporting the old and carrying the young, and the crowd makeup a unique style painting of Yangcheng.

Some party and state leaders, such as Chen Yi, Tao Zhu and Guo Moruo, havecome here for sightseeing, rest and reception of foreign guests. Now, there is aspecial tour bus in Baiyun Mountain, which goes up the winding road to the PeakPark and the first peak in South China. There is also a cableway up themountain. There are all kinds of restaurants, service facilities and simplestoves on the mountain for people to have picnics and roast. It has become afamous tourist attraction in China.

Baiyun Mountain also has Alpine grass skiing, 1400 meters slide, triangleglider and other sports and entertainment projects

Baiyun Mountain is composed of more than 30 peaks, covering an area of 28square kilometers. The highest peak, moxingling, is 382 meters above sea level,which is the highest peak in Guangzhou.

Baiyun Mountain is majestic, with undulating mountains and ravines. Thehighest peak is Moxing mountain, and the roads on the mountain extend in alldirections. Beautiful scenery, many places of interest. From the north of themountain to the south, it is divided into three scenic spots: the north of themountain, the top of the mountain and the Luhu lake. In Luhu District, the lakeis covered with green trees and is as calm as a mirror. You can take a cable carfrom Luhu to Shanxiang. The peak area includes Peak Park, Mingchun Valley, VillaHostel, Shuangxi villa, Nengren temple, Jiulong spring, etc. Shanbei scenic areais another scene: the mountains are rolling, the pines are everywhere, endless,just like the surging sea; the mountain wind blows, its sound is like waves,which is known as "Baiyun Songtao", one of the eight scenic spots in Yangcheng.Pugu, Nengren temple, Tiannan No.1 peak, Mingchun Valley, jiulongquan, Beilin,Motianling, Shanwan, Shuangxi, Shanzhuang, Baiyun Songtao, Songtao courtyard,Mingzhu tower, Baiyun xianguan, Jufang garden, Luhu Golf and country club,Guangzhou skating club, Luming restaurant, etc. scattered among the lakes andmountains, and the newly built Yuntai garden, sculpture park and Baiyunrestaurant Slideway and other attractions.

The world-famous South China Botanical Garden is located in longyandong. Ithas more than 4500 tropical and subtropical plants, and a special exhibitionarea for people to watch. It grows palm plants, relict plants, tropical plants,shade plants, anti pollution plants, economic plants, bamboo and medicinalplants, garden trees, gymnosperms, etc. The park also has artificial lake,waterside pavilion, reception hall, rest Pavilion, experimental building, shadeshed, greenhouse and other facilities. It is not only a base for research anddevelopment of plant resources and popularization of Botany knowledge, but alsoa colorful, picturesque, green sea and beautiful plant Grand View Garden,attracting many visitors.


The former site of Huangpu Military Academy is located in Changzhou Island,Huangpu, Guangzhou. It is a new Military Academy established by Sun Yat Sen withthe help of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union during the greatrevolution. Most of the buildings of Huangpu Military Academy were destroyed byJapanese planes in 1938. In 1965, a major renovation was made and the originalappearance was basically restored. In 1984, the memorial hall of the former siteof Huangpu Military Academy was established. At present, there are more than tenbuildings, such as the main gate of the military academy, the headquarters, SunMemorial, Zhongshan former residence, club, swimming pool, Tomb of the martyrsof the eastern expedition, memorial of the northern expedition, Jishen Park,Jiaosi Pavilion, etc. In addition, there are Zhongshan Park, Zhongkai Park,Huangpu Park (also known as Zhongzheng Park) and Jishen park; Zhang Zhidongproposed the construction of big slope fort and baihegang fort; the ChineseNavy's Huangpu Military port and other scenic spots. During the period of thefirst cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Sun Yat Sen,with the help of the central Republic of China and the Soviet Union, began totrain military cadres in 1920___ It was founded in June, 2003.

The military academies are of great significance in modern Chinese historyand military history. The gate of the former site of Huangpu Military Academy islocated in the South and north facing the Pearl River. On the front of the gateof the memorial archway, there is a horizontal plaque with black characters on awhite background written by Tan Yankai, a veteran of the Kuomintang. There aretwo sentries in front of the door, and the two rooms behind are the guard room.There is a zouma building in the front of the gate, which is called the schoolheadquarters. The school headquarters is a Lingnan ancestral hall stylequadrangle building, with two-story brick and wood structure, three roads andfour entrances, namely three main passages and four rows of houses. On the Eastand west sides of the North-South central axis, the buildings are arranged inthe same form and symmetrical with each other. The four rows of houses areconnected by corridors, surrounded by walls, with a construction area of 1060square meters.

On the west side of the gate is a two-story brick and wood structurebuilding, which used to be a staff dormitory___ Sun Yat Sen once had a resthere. After his death, it was transformed into a "memorial room"; in 1984, itwas changed into a "Memorial Hall of Huangpu Military Academy", displaying thehistory of Huangpu Military Academy and photos of Sun Yat Sen's revolutionaryactivities in Guangdong. At the northern foot of wansongling, there are tombs ofsoldiers who died in the eastern expedition. This tomb is 1920___ The projectwill be completed the next year. In the tomb, 516 soldiers who died in twobattles such as the eastern expedition were buried.

To the west of the tomb is the tomb of the seventeen generals' school,which is a building modeled after the triumphal arch in Paris, with theinscription "memorial hall for martyrs killed in the eastern expedition". Behindthe Jigong square are the tombs of enlisted students and students. To the Eastis a single tomb, the tomb of martyr Cai Guangju. To the south of the campus,there are Jiaosi Pavilion and the Northern Expedition monument. The monument ismore than 7 meters high in memory of 1920___ It was built by the soldiers whodied in the northern expedition in.


Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall is a memorial building built to commemorate thegreat revolutionary leader Sun Yat Sen. it has witnessed many historical eventsin Guangzhou and is full of commemorative significance. Now it is an importantplace for large-scale gatherings and performances in Guangzhou. Here you can seethe brief introduction and life of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and come here to rememberDr. Sun Yat Sen.

It is located at the south foot of Yuexiu Park, in 1920___ The projectstarted in 1931 and was completed in 1931. The transportation of the memorialhall is very convenient. Take subway line 2 to get off the memorial hall. Afterentering the gate is a square where you can see the towering statue of Sun YatSen and take photos. Then further ahead is the main building of ZhongshanMemorial Hall. There is a ticket office next to it. You need to charge 10 yuanfor entering the main building.

The main building is a grand and magnificent octagonal palace building,which is very rich in Chinese traditional characteristics. In the center of thebuilding, there is a big painted gold plaque with a blue background and rededge, on which there are four big words "the world is for the public" written bySun Yat Sen, which is powerful. The theme building is like a performance hall,and now there are many concerts held here. There are many pictures and words onthe wall to introduce the construction of the memorial hall and the briefintroduction of Sun Yat Sen. In the back of the memorial hall, there is anindependent small room, the exhibition hall of Sun Yat Sen's historical relics,which also introduces Sun Yat Sen's life.

The Zhongshan Memorial Hall witnessed many historical events in Guangzhou:in 1936, people from all walks of life in Guangzhou held a no smoking paradehere; in September 1945, the Japanese invading army stationed in Guangzhousigned a surrender here; in September 1945, the Japanese invading army inGuangzhou signed a declaration to surrender; After liberation, every yearvarious activities in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, important provincial andmunicipal gatherings and artistic performances were held here, such ascommemorating the 100th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth, the 60th anniversaryof the long march of the Red Army, the 50th anniversary of the victory of theAnti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war, etc. So it's verycommemorative, and it's also very suitable to bring children to carry outpatriotic education and understand knowledge.

In addition, there are also some plants worth seeing here. For example,there are the oldest kapok tree in Guangzhou, and the two largest brandy treesin Guangzhou. In the northeast corner of Zhongshan Memorial Hall, there is astrange tree, which is called "tree embracing tree", also known as "one pole twotrees". Moreover, it is formed naturally, not grafted.



