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Good morning,ladies and gentleman。 Please allow me on behalf of __ TravelService to extend our sincere wele to you 。 My name is Linxi, and I will be yourguide during your stay in xiamen。 This is our drive, Mr chen, and his bus numberis D-12345。If you have any questions or special requets,please don’t hesitate tolet us know。 We’ll try our best to make your stay of xiamen pleasant andenjoyable。 We really ask for your understanging and cooperation, and we hopeyour visit to our city will be a happy experience。

Today we will visit GULANGYU Islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaitsoutside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions toboard the bus。It will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry。

Now,please pay attention to the islet on your left。 This’s Gulangyu Islet,our destination for today。 Gulangyu Islet, is 600 meters off the southwest shoreof xiamen across the xiamen Strait。 This tiny,1。91 square kilometers islet has apopulation of less than 20,000。 In April 1995, Gulangyu bee a national keyscenic spot and No。1 of Fujian Province’s Top ten Sites。


A popular xiamen saying goes that you cannot say you've visited xiamenunless you've visited gulangyu。 Or more exactly,unless you've visited sunlightrock and set foot on the sky wind stand,file peak of sunlight rock。 OK,My dear,now we will enter sunlight rock scenic area from the front gate。 We are now atDragon Head Hill。 Just inside the gate we e to one of xiamen’s most famoustemples, the Sunlight Temple。 Its former name was Lotus temple 。 It was foundedduring the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt over 400 years ago,in 1956。 It bathes dailyin the first rays of the morning sunshinehence ,so its name Sunlight Tenple。


Turing right we will go to the memory hall of Zheng chenggong, Insidethe

memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him 。Words describing his entirelife are cared at the bottom of it 。The form on its right has shown all of thegreat events in his life。 He was born in Japan in 1624 and returned to China atthe age of 7。 On April 21st ,1661,he led his troops to Taiwan and retake it fromthe Dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years。He died in taiwan thefollow year,1662,at

the tender age of 39。 In memory of him,we have displayed some photos andmodles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used。

After visiting the Zheng chenggong Memorial Hall, now we are going throughthe old summer cave。Its name suggests that people liked to escape to its coolinterior during sweltering summers,Go upstairs and we can see a gate in front ofus。This is the entrance to the Dragon Head Hill Fortress。The gate was 157cm。thesame height as Zheng chenggong。So if you are taller than that you need tobow,just as if you were showing respect this great person。


OK,Let’s go out the memory hall now。 Though the peak of sunlight rock isnot very high,only 92。7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine viewbelow and

beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you 。Now Ican't wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view ofxiamen。Please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs。



good morning, ladies and gentlemen. today we are going to visit the yellowemperor mausoleum, known as "the first chinese mausoleum". the tomb places atqiaoshan, huang ling, yan'an, china. the yellow emperor mausoleum area wasarchaeologically proved to be a primitive clan settlement, for unearthingpottery and stone tools with evident yangshao culture features. it is one of thekey historical site under state protection of china.

in order for everyone to have a profound understanding about the yellowemperor mausoleum, i will introduce huangdi first. huangdi is a legendarychinese sovereign and cultural hero who is considered in chinese mythology to bethe ancestor of all han chinese, one of the legendary five emperors. accordingto ancient records, huangdi was the son of shao dian, the grandson of fu xi. hisname was gongsun. because he resided in the xuanyuan hill, he was referred to asxuanyuan. for advocating agricultural production, he was also known as"huangdi". huangdi has been credited with the invention of the principles oftraditional chinese medicine, the huangdi neijing (inner canon of huangdi).thelegend of his victory in the war against emperor chi you at the battle of zhuoluis seen as the establishment of the han chinese nationality. (黄帝)

we are now in the xuanyuan square. here is the starting point of worshipingthe mausoleum. the xuanyuan square ground used natural pebbles from qinlingrange, a total of 5000 pieces which represents 5000 years long history of thechinese nation. in front of us was printing pool. legend has it that the poolwas huangdi’s pen washing place. printing pool came from river zu which isregarded as the ancestor of the river. when night comes, there will be abeautiful landscape above the river.(印池)

now, we are through the bridge xuanyuan. the bridge used granite stones,and it was known as the "the first modern chinese stone bridge". the path linksxuanyuan bridge and temple courtyard has 95 steps, representing huangdi’s loftystatus. ascend the stairs, we can see a broad square. in recent years, ritualsmostly are held here. now please look back at the xuanyuan square again, ibelieve you can feel the grand、solemn and primitive ambience. (轩辕桥)

xuanyuan temple is located in the north of zu water. please follow me intothe holy place. it is said that the ancient temple,which aimed to worship theyellow emperor ,was originally built at the west foot of bridege hill in the handynasty.but in the song dynasty,it had been moved here . consisting of fouryards,the temple has doors of hisarchitectural style of han dynasty,decoratedwith hip rooftops , white walls and black glazed tiles.so it looks tall andterrifying,simple and splendid. and the three chinese characters of xuanyuanmiaowas written by mr jiang dingwen.(轩辕庙) entering the gate of xuanyuan temple , wecan see a towering cypress is greeting us on our left hand. the old tree isabout 4700 years old. legend has it that the cypress was personally planted byhuangdi. in 1982, the british forestry experts, including peel came here afterexamining 27 countries of the world. they exclaimed that this cypress was thefather of world cypresses. in 1998, the tree was identified as one of chineseone hundred fomous trees".(黄帝手植柏)

this pavilion is called stone pavilion. there are four steles. the firststele on the right is a inscription written by sun yat-sen when he was thetemporary president of r.o.c. the second one was wrntten by chiang kai-shek in1942. on the left side, the first stele was written by chairman mao in 1937 whenthe kuomintang and the communist party worshiped huangdi together. the secondstele on the left side was written by deng xiaoping(碑亭)

leaving the pavilion and continuing to walk in, we can see an engravedblock on the left side. the stone engraved with a pair of huge huangdifootprints. it is said that there are three pairs of huangdi footprints. onepair is in henan, another is in shandong, and the last one is here. according tolocal people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin across the fence, he willbe lucky.(青石块)

there is a cypress in left front of xuanyuan. every year before thetomb-sweeping day, the tree hole will overflow juice like a teardrop. after thetomb-sweeping day, juice stops overflowing. because of this, the cypress isknown as "the most unusual one among all cypresses".(古柏)

now, the architecture in front of us is xuanyuan palace. the palace wasbuilt in ming dynasty. going into the hall, the demirelief huangdi statue cameinto our view. the icon of our nation’s ancestor is based on the picture of theeast temple hanwu beam and was enlarged and sealed upon the approval of stateadministration of cultural heritage. the new ancestor worship hall was built in__ and lies in the north of xuan yuan temple. on the tomb-sweeping day of X__for the first time the national etiquette ebo ceremony was held here. huangditemple inherits han tang style, and it is a combination between ancienttraditions and the new era. before the house of ancestors are granite pavement.the square covers an area of more than 10000 square meters which makes it canaccommodate 5000 festival activities.(轩辕殿)

there is another monument before the burial, engraved with "qiaoshanlongyu"meaning that it is the place where huangdi go the the heaven. legend has it thathuangdi lived more than 100 years old. the god was moved by his greatachievements. he sent a dragon help with his ascension. huangdi was surround bypeople who did not want him to leave completely. the dragon leaped and carriedhuangdi to the heaven. people tore down huangdi's skirt, boots and sword inchaos. people buried huangdi's boots sword and clothes as a memorial.

according to shih chi,all emperors worship huangdi here, so this place isundoubtablely recognized as huangdi’s mausoleum. before thestele”qiaoshanlongyu”, there is another stele engraved with “huangdi temple”written by guo moruo in 1958. (黄帝陵)

ok, everyone, so much for this today. we still have some free time. sonext, you may look around and take some pictures. we’ll leave at 11o’clock, soplease don’t be late. you know i will miss you. and i’ll stay here, if you haveany question, please ask me. by the way, watch your step please! so next, it’syour turn. enjoy yourself and thank you for listening.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen;

Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to themuseum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. Youmay wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music youare going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.

Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used toplay the beautiful melody?

That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in theworld. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visitthem and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return withunforgetable memory.

The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum,Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center forcollecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relicsin Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is acollection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relicsprovide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture,art, science and technology in ancient China.

Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long historyand rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and workedhere and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relicsunearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relicsdisplayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serial bells are the mostprecious and greatest of them all.

Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?

It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. Yousee, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so longago.

Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident and thusdisplayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us.

In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It wasreally a great surprise to discover it at that time. Afterwards, archaeologistsexcavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tombof Zenghouyi. It was220 square meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs.The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in itdied at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, agedfrom 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins.

Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cultural relicshave been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musical instrument, weapons,golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, wooden ware, and bamboo ware. Most of themare unique art treasure and they were deliberately made.

What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical instrument, suchas serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bambooflute. They are totally 8 types, including 124 pieces. The entire musicalinstrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomblook like an ancient concert hall.

Today the underground concert hall has come back to life. As a majorinstrument, 64 serial bells are put in the middle room, lined along the northand west wall. It can be concluded that serial bells are Zenhouyi’s favorite,for his body was placed in the west room.

As wee see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottomed baskets; smallones are like warming pots. They are hung in 3 layers from the winding bellshelf that is 13 meters long, 2.7 meters high. The whole bell shelf is supportedby 6 human-shape objects. It is as strong as newly cast.

Ok, let me give you a brief introduction about the elegant ancient serialbells. All the bells have been played. They are all carved with inscriptionabout musical melody. Each bell can produce 2 pitches. After many years ofresearch, we find that its amplitude approached the international level oftoday. The combined scale is the 7 notes in C major of today. Its compasses veryside, including 5 and a half octaves. The whole sound may be adjusted. Itswooden shelf is quite exquisite. Although buried for 2,400 years, the serialbells are well played. It not only can be used to play with to produce scoreswith the same melody, but also can produce mixed sounds though harmony andrepeat tunes. Chinese musical pieces, such as Intoning Three Times BeforeLeaving Yang Pass, The Moon On The Spring River, and foreign pieces, such asChristmas Eve, can be played on it, even Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the NinthSymphony can be. Foreign tourists are usually attracted by the fascinating musicwhen listening to the Chinese song The Night On The Prairie. When foreign songscut in, they are shocked by the old civilization of Chu State. As the famousviolinist, Menuin praised it, ‘The grand Greek music is accepted by the world.However, the musical instruments in ancient Greece were made of wood, what’smore, not a single instrument is kept till today. Here we are able to enjoy thesound of the instrument of 2,000 years\\\' history from the tomb of ChuState.

Actually, whoever enjoys the music played on the serial bells will besurprised at the great achievement made by the people of Chu State in the fieldsof music, culture, smelting, and casting.

According to the history, Chu State was called the state of rites and musicat that time. People in Chu State love dancing. They danced in the palace andsang in the room. They knew how to enjoy dancing and singing. We can imagine thefollowing scene. The host of the bomb was seated in his palace and watched thegirls dancing. On both his sides sat his followers. They sat on the floor. Atable with short legs was placed in front of them. They put one hand on thetable that is used to hold arms. This can be proved by the relics in thetomb.

Do you know, in China, a male and a female mandarin ducks are the symbol oflove, for they often play together in the water and live together. Can you seethe box here? This box was found in the tomb. The box was painted. It was emptyin it. But there are some pictures. They describe a very vivid situation; somepeople are striking bells, beating drums and dancing. This picture is veryprecious, for we can know how these instruments should be played, especially theserial bells.

I wonder if you have noticed that there is only one mandarin duck on thebox. Do you know why? Oh, he is abandoned by his lover. But he found a newcompany―music. He didn’t heed the other mandarin duck, for what he really lovedwas music.

Well, I have a question. What is the tourists’favorite?

The music played on the serial bells.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today we are going to visit Zhongyang Street. This is the downtown area. Inorder to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takesabout 40 minutes. Those who do not like walking may keep seated, our coach willgo along another street and stop at the Flood Control Monument. Those who cannotwalk that far may take a taxi to the Flood Control Monument. Now let6’s get offthe coach, and take a walk on Zhongyang Street.

Zhongyang Street measures 1450 meters from Jingwei Street in the south tothe Flood Control Monument on the riverbank in the north. This is China’slongest walkway. The street was built at the end of the last century. It wasconnected to a wharf at the Songhua River. Because of the constant transport ofthe goods needed for building the China Eastern Railway, a shopping center beganto take shape along this street at the turn of the century. Harbin at that timewas a semi-colonial city with a foreign population of many thousands. Politicsand economy were actually controlled by foreign powers. Owing to theconcentration of Chinese shops along this street, foreigners took it as a Chinatown and called it China Street.

Have you noticed the cobbled road surface? This is the only cobbled streetleft in Harbin. This cobbled street was paved in 1925. Thanks to the goodquality, the street has kept in good shape with a few repairs in the past. Thisstreet began to take shape as an international street in the 1920s. There wereover a hundred shops and many were owned by forergners, such as Russians,Greeks, Czechs, Swedes, Swiss, Frenchmen, Germans and Englishmen. They builttheir shops in their individual styles. Therefore, the street not only lookedlike a foreign street, but also was controlled by foreigners. Now this smoothcobbled street may remind us of the past when foreigners were sitting inchariots along the street, as if we could still hear the horse-hoofs clicking oncobbles.

Over half a century is past , Zhongyang Street is weather-beaten. With theimplementation of reform and opening-up, it is ready to welcome visitors with anew outlook.

The building in front of us is very attractive. Its some and arched windowsare typical of the Byzantine Style popular in Europe during the Middle Ages. Itwas built in 1934 and it was a shoe shop owned by a Czech. After liberation, itbecame a specialty shop-Women and Children’s Department Store. It is the biggestspecialty shop along Zhongyang Street. There are a good variety of commodities.Now some world famous specialty chains have also set up branches down here, suchas Crocodile, Bossini and so on. You can see some gentlemen also wandering inthe Women and Children’s Department Store. At such a good shopping place, theywill not walk out empty-handed.

Opposite the Women and Children’s Department Store is the Central ShoppingCity opened in November 1994. On its original site there were five small storesrun by Russians, which were built in 1932. After liberation, they were turnedinto one department store. In 1994, the old building was torn down, and thiscomprehensive department store was built. The architecture is a combination of aEuropean castle with modern architecture. It has become a new scenic spot onZhongyang Street.

At we go along the road, we are able to see the Central Pharmacy. It was abungalow before. In 1912, German Sidemen’s opened a shop here to sell electricalequipment and materials. After liberation, it was reconstructed. Now you canfind not only medicine here, but also the Gold lion shop, a super-market and aKentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant.

This shopping Center was opened in 1995. Its original site was a shopmanaged by a Swede. It dealt in china, porcelain and enamelware. Afterliberation, it became a food-store. The building you see now was designed by afamous architect in Heilongjiang. It is a masterpiece of adopting reliefsculptures in modern construction. This building is an attractive site inZhongyang Street.

The nost interesting building along Zhongyang Street is the Modern Hotel.It was constructed in 1913. It is of an attractive outlook and magnificentlydecorated. It has a typical Baroque style of the Neo-artistic period. At first,it was invested and managed by a Jewish Frenchman. The origin of its Chinesename once aroused the interest of many people. There was a column in newSPAperfor debating its origin. Some held its Chinese name came from the word “mother”,some said it came from “modern”. However, modern seemed to overwhelm mother asyou can see the hotel now used the Modern Hotel as its English name.

Modern Hotel has all the facilities of a modern hotel includingwell-decorated suites, dining rooms and medium and small-sized meeting rooms inEuropean palatial styles. There is a legendary oil painting hanging on a wall onthe landing of the first floor. It was painted a famous Russian painter. He wasinspired by “Divine Comedy”composed by Dante. It shows a pretty girl saved byangels from confinement by insects and demons;the girl who endured tortures inhell was about to rise to heaven. This picture was painted red during theCultural Revolution. After the Cultural Revolution, the original painting wasrestored. Now we are able to appreciate its artistic charm.

In the past few decades, modern Hotel has catered to many famous people,such as well known Chinese writers Guo Moruo and Ding Ling, and a renownedpainter, Xu Berhong. Those who have stayed here also include distinguishedAmerican celebrities such as Anna Louise Strong, Edgar Snow Yue-Sai Kan. Moviestudios have shot movies here. “Harbin in the Dark Night”, “London Inspiration”,“The Orient Express to Moscow”have left people lasting memories.

Opposite the Modern Hotel, there is Huamei Restaurant. It was MalseRestaurant serving western food. After liberation, it was rebuilt several timesand two more stories have been added. However, its original European Style hadbeen kept. It was reported in 1973 that there were 260 Western restaurants inHarbin, with over 100 concentrated along Zhongyang Street. Huamei Restaurant wasone of the best known. Now it serves many specialties, such as Russian dishes,potted cattle tail, French egg and fried prawns. It is said a Russian celebritywho used to serve in the army once visited Huamei. After dinner, he could nothelp praising food served in Huamei. He declared the Russian dishes heresurpassed those in Russia. He would send chefs from Russia to Huamei to learn tocook when he got back home. Now that you know Huamei, your knowledge ofZhongyang Street will not be complete if you have not tried the food here.

Further in the front, we can see the Education Bookstore. It wasconstructed in 1909. It is a Baroque construction, extravagant and novel, withbold lines and strong contrast. Over the entrance, there are two staturs. Theyare Titans in Greek fairy tales. The male is Atlas and the female is Galliached.It is said they hold up the sky with heads and shoulders. Education relates tothe future of a country. May these Titans hold up the building of education, andaccompany us to a prosperous tomorrow.

Opposite to the Education Bookstore, the building in the Neo-artistic styleis Qiulin Department Store. It is characterized by simple structure, flexiblelay out, free style, and curved decoration. Qiulin was constructed in 1903. Inthe past few decades, it has transformed from a colonial company. It haswitnessed great changes in Zhongyang Street.

Many people say Zhongyang Street is a street of architecture as over 70buildings appear in different styles. Some state it is a small Paris in theOrient; some assert it is a Moscow in the Orient; some declare it is a symphony.When you step on this cobbled street, it is as if you could hear a prelude. Asyou go further along the street, you can see the Women and Children’s DepartmentStore, and the Flood Control Monument at the riverside, as if their variedstructures were different chapters constituting a harmonious tune. This symphonyaccompanies the people in Harbin as they suffered before liberation, wanderedthrough the Cultural Revolution, and ushered in the reform and opening up, andencourages them to face up to the magnificent 21st century.

I would like to call this street an international shopping mall. There arestate owned stores and outlets of foreign products. There are banks andpost-offices. There are hotels and restaurants. There are Jewelers’andphotographers’. People are able to stroll, shop and enjoy delicacies along thestreet. At night over 200 shops will be radiating with colorful neon lights.This century-old street will radiate its vigor and become more attractive.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if we go further forward, we are able to reach theFlood Control Monument. Now I will give you some free time for shopping andphotography. We will meet at the Flood Control Monument in twenty minutes.




Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhisttemple---the Jade Buddha Temple。

Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religioussituation in Shanghai。 Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen isensured the freedom of religious belief。 There are four major religions inpractice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, whichis sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church。 When it es toBuddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i。e。temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines。The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known both athome and abroad。

The temple was first built during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of QingDynasty, when a monk named Hui Gen went on a pilgrimage to Burma and broughtback five jade statues of Sakyamuni。 On his way back to Mount Putuo viaShanghai, he left two jade statues here, one in sitting posture and the other,reclining。 He had a temple specially built as a shrine for these two statues in1882。 later the temple was

partly destroyed by fire and in 1928 a new temple was pleted on the presentsite。

Just opposite the temple gate, there stands a giant screen wall。 Variousdesigns, such as dragon, phoenix, elephant, crane and peony are carved on it。 InChinese legend, all these things are considered the symbols of fortune, wealth,longevity and auspiciousness。 Chinese people used to set up a wall in front ofthe house so as to keep the evils away。

Now ladies and gentlemen, please turn around。 Here we can see the templegate。 It is also called the Sanmen Gate, or say, the Gate of Three Extrications。The door in the middle is called the Door of Emptiness, to its right is the Doorof Non-phenomenon, and to its left, the Door of Non-Action。 Sanmen Gate is alsocalled the Mountain Gate because most famous temples in China are found deep inmountains。 But the Sanmen gate does not open except on the first and thefifteenth of every lunar month。 Now this way to the entrance。

Ladies and gentlemen, the first hall is the Heavenly King Hall。 We will usethe rear door, please follow me。

(in the Heavenly King Hall next to the southern entrance)

Here we can find the statue of a fat and smiling monk with bared belly。 Heis Bodhisattva Maitreya。 His smile is so contagious that you will smile with himand forget all your worries。 So he is also called the Laughing Buddha。 Accordingto Buddhist scripture, he is now practicing Buddhism in the Tusita Heaven。 After4000 years, which is equal to 5。67 billion years on the earth, he will beesuccessor to Sakyamuni under a Long Hua Tree in Hualin Garden。 Hence anothername the Future Buddha。

But this statue we see here is not the real image of Bodhisattva Maitreya,it is just his incarnation。。 it is said that During the Five Dynasties Period,1000 years ago, there lived in Fenhua in Zhejiang Province a monk named Qi Ci,who always carried a wooden staff with a cloth sack on his shoulder。 He oftenwent around towns and in streets to beg alms。 Therefore he became known as “theCloth Sack Monk”。 He always smiled and laughed, looking as happy as ever。

When he was dying, he left the message saying that he was the incarnationof Bodhisattva Maitreya。 So his image is enshrined in the Buddhist Temple as theincarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya。[由Www.QunZou.Com整理](on the eastern side ofthe Heavenly King Hall)

On the two sides of the hall are enshrined four statues。 They are so-calledFour Heavenly Kings。 In the Buddhist legend, there is in the center of the worlda highest mountain called Mount Sumeru。 Halfway on it is a mountain called MountGhandara with four peaks。 On each peak lives a Heavenly King protecting theBuddhist heaven。 The first one is the Southern King---King of Developing Merits。His duty is to educate all living creatures and develop king-heartedness。

He is holding a sword in his hand which can emit a ray to chop off theenemies’ heads。 The one next to him is the Eastern King---King of Protection forBuddhism。 He is holding in his hand a pipa, which is somewhat like a guitar。With this pipa, he offers music to the Buddha。 Meanwhile this pipa is a magicweapon。 It can send out a musical rhythm to defeat the enemy by tormenting brainand causing him to lose batability。 Now ladies and gentlemen, please e over tothis side。(on the western side of the Heavenly King Hall)

The first one on this side is the Northern King---King of Virtue。 He is socalled because of his virtue。 He is holding a parasol-shaped stela in his hand。The parasol can be opened into a canopy in Buddhist processions。 It is at thesame time a magic umbrella。 Once it is opened in the battle field, the sky turnsdark and a wind-storm rises, defeating the enemy with a dizzy spell and then itcloses up capturing all the enemies。 Next to him is the Western King---King ofFar Sight。

He observes the world with his penetrating eyes。 He is holding adragon-shaped silk rope。 The rope is actually a net, with which he convertspeople to Buddhism just like catching fish with a net。 This dragon also has amagic power。 It can spurt water from its mouth and drown the enemy infloods。

(in the Heavenly King Hall next to the rear door)

The Statue facing the rear door is Bodhisattva Skanda。 He is always dressedin armour with a worrior’s club in his hand。 Originally he was one of the eightheavenly generals under the Southern King of Developing Merits。 Later he hasbeen enshrined here because of his bravery。 He is also a god of message, afleet-foot runner, so when visitors e to the temple, he will immediately reportto the Buddha in the Grand Hall。

Now ladies and gentlemen, that’s all for the Heavenly King Hall。 Pleasefollow me and look out the threshold and the steps。

Now we can see a giant tripod in the courtyard。 It is actually a giantincense burner。 It was donated by some Buddhist laymen who believed that bydonating something the Buddha they can help purify the souls of their deadrelatives from sins and relieve them from purgatory。

Now this is the main hall, known as the Grand Hall or Grand Hall of theGreat Sage。 It is the main structure in every Buddhist temple, where the statueof Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism is enshrined。



